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. 2023 Apr 11;10:1113013. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1113013

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies.

References Risk of bias1 Country Setting2 Data source3 Study design4 Gender, sex5 Age in years Sample size Individual Social Physical Macro F, V, FV6 Consumer behavior
Consumption, purchase What, how, where, when
Adenegan et al. (28) H Nigeria U, R P CSS F, M NR 200 F, V Purchase What
Adeoye et al. (29) H Nigeria U P CSS F, M 21–60+ 150 V Purchase What
Amare et al. (30) L Ethiopia U P CSS F, M 18–65+ 356 F, V Consumption What, how
Amo-Adjei and Kumi-Kyereme (31) M Ghana U, R S CSS F, M 15–59 9,484 F, V Consumption What
Badurally et al. (32) H Mauritius U, R P CSS F, M NR 374 F, V Consumption What
Banwat et al. (33) H Nigeria U P CSS F, M 18–60+ 250 FV Consumption What
Bhurosy and Jeewon (34) M Mauritius U, R P CSS F 18–65 400 F, V Consumption How
Bloomfield et al. (35) L Kenya PU P CSS F, M 16–64 + 4,037 FV Consumption What
Bosha et al. (36) M Ethiopia R P LONGL F 20–40 578 FV, F, V Consumption What
De Filippo et al. (37) L Nigeria U, PU P CSS F, M 18–65 632 FV Consumption What
Demmler et al. (38) L Kenya U P, S LONGL F, M 18 + 1,199 FV Consumption What
Gelibo et al. (39) M Ethiopia U, R P CSS F, M 15–69 10,260 FV Consumption What
Hall et al. (40) L Tanzania R S LONGL F, M NR 1,256 FV, F, V Consumption What
Jordan et al. (41) L Uganda U, R P LONGL F 30.95 445 FV, F, V Consumption What, where
Kabwama et al. (42) L Uganda U, R S CSS F, M 18–69 3,962 FV Consumption What
Keding et al. (43) L Kenya R P LONGL F 40.2 (±16.5) 272 FV, F, V Consumption What, how, when
Keetile et al. (44) M Botswana U, R S CSS F, M < 24–65+ 1,178 FV Consumption What
Kibr (45) M Ethiopia U P CSS F 15–49 423 FV Consumption What
Labadarios et al. (46) M South Africa U, R P CSS F, M 16 + 3,287 FV, F, V Consumption What
Lagerkvist et al. (47) M Ghana U P CSS F, M 17–60 332 V Consumption How*, when
Layade et al. (48) H Nigeria U P CSS F, M 15–34 200 FV Purchase What
Leyna et al. (49) M Tanzania R P CSS F, M 15-44 1,014 F, V Consumption How
Lomira et al. (50) M Uganda U, R P CSS F, M NR 400 FV Consumption What
MacIntyre et al. (51) L South Africa U, R P CSS F, M 15–80 1,751 F, V Consumption What
Mayén et al. (52) L Seychelles U, R S CSS F, M 25–64 2,476 FV Consumption How
Modibedi et al. (53) M South Africa U P CSS F, M NR 254 V Consumption How
Msambichaka et al. (54) M Tanzania SU S CSS F, M 15–60+ 7,953 FV, F, V Consumption What, how
Musaiger et al. (55) M Sudan U P CSS F, M 18–30 400 F, V Consumption How
Neergheen-Bhujun et al. (56) M Mauritius U, R P CSS F, M 18–65 + 675 V Consumption How
Obayelu et al. (57) H Nigeria U P CSS F, M < 20–50 + 100 F Purchase What
Odunitan-Wayas et al.b (58) M South Africa U P CSS F, M ≥ 18 422 FV Purchase How
Odunitan-Wayas et al.b (59) M South Africa U P CSS F, M 18–55+ 395 F, V Purchase What
Okop et al. (60) M South Africa U, R P CSS F, M 30–75 535 FV Consumption What
Onah et al. (61) M Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique R S CSS F 28.95 10,041 FV, V Consumption What
Oyedele et al. (62) H Nigeria U P CSS F, M 36.7 ± 9.2 311 V Purchase What
Padrão et al. (63) L Mozambique U, R P CSS F, M 25–64 12,902 F, V Consumption How
Padrão et al. (64) L Mozambique U, R P CSS F, M 25–64 3,298 F, V Consumption What
Peltzer and Pengpid (65) L South Africa U, R S CSS F, M 15+ 15,310 F, V Consumption What
Peltzer and Promtussananon (66) M South Africa R, PU P CSS F, M 18–64 200 FV Consumption What
Pengpid and Peltzer (67) M Kenya U, R S CSS F, M 18–69 4,479 FV, F, V Consumption What
Raaijmakers et al. (68) M Nigeria U P CSS F 18–55 1,220 V Consumption What, how
Ravaoarisoa et al. (69) L Madagascar R P LONGL F 18–45 608 F, V Consumption How
Reyes-García et al. (70) L Cameroon R P LONGL F, M 16+ 160 FV, F, V Consumption, Acquisition What, where
Riha et al. (71) L Uganda R P, S CSS F, M 13+ 7,340 FV Consumption What
Savy et al. (72) L Burkina Faso R P LONGL F <20–30+ 550 FV, F, V Consumption What
Sinyolo et al. (73) M South Africa U, R P, S CSS F, M 45.72 20,908 F, V Consumption What, how
Subratty and Jowaheer (74) H Mauritius U, R P CSS F, M 15–60 1,213 F Consumption How, when
Tata et al. (75) M Cameroon R P, S CSS F 29.7 ± 7.032 247 FV, F, V Consumption What
Thakwalakwa et al. (76) L Malawi U, R P LONGL F 27.8 ± 6.0 274 F, V Consumption What, when
Torheim et al. (77) M Mali R P CSS F, M 15–45 491 F Consumption What
Unwin et al. (78) M Tanzania U, R P LONGL F, M 15-59 209 F, V Consumption What
Wang et al. (79) H Ghana U P CSS F, M 39.2 1,100 F Consumption How
Yaya and Bishwajit (80) M Namibia U, R S CSS F, M 15–49 14,185 FV Consumption What

Risk of bias: H, high; M, moderate; L, low;


Setting: R, rural; U, urban; PU, peri-urban; SU, semi-urban;


Data source: P, primary; S, secondary;


Study design: CSS, Cross-sectional study; LONGL, longitudinal study;


Gender, sex: F, female; M, male;


F;V;FV; F, Fruit; V, Vegetable; FV, Fruit and vegetables combined;


References referring to one study;

How*: referring to how foods were treated before consumption.