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. 2023 Apr 17;15:17562872231164803. doi: 10.1177/17562872231164803

Table 4.

Radiomics in studies differentiating different subtypes of RCC.

Author Clinical outcomes and gold standard Imaging modality Study design
No. of patients
Imaging method Results
Kocak et al. 74 - Differentiation of ccRCC, papRCC, and chRCC
- Histology (either surgery or biopsy)
CT Retrospective
n = 68
Feature selection was done by three radiologists. Feature selection and model optimization has been performed. Using ANN and SVM as classifiers and a combination of three additional algorithms aimed to improve generalizability For differentiating non-ccRCCs from ccRCCs, the best performance was the ANN classifier (ACC of 84.6%). The performance was poor for distinguishing ccRCC versus papRCC versus chRCC.
Best SVM classifier with bagging algorithm (ACC of 69.2%)
Han et al. 75 - Differentiation of ccRCC, papRCC, and chRCC
- Histology (biopsy)
CT Retrospective
n = 169
Rectangular ROI was marked and cropped. A DL neural network has been used to identify subtypes of RCC Deep DL method with the contouring given by radiologists for RCC subtype classification achieved an ACC 0.85, SENS 0.64–0.98, SPEC 0.83–0.93, and AUC 0.9
Li et al. 76 - Differentiation of ccRCC from non-ccRCC
- Histology (not specified if surgery or biopsy)
CT Retrospective
n = 170 (training cohort)
n = 85 (validation cohort)
Two radiomics models were built. The radiogenomics association between selected features and VHL mutation has been analyzed. All models were independently validated The model from obtained from corticomedullary images from CT had AUC of 0.95 (ACC of 92.9%)
Raman et al. 67 - Differentiation of ccRCC, papRCC, oncocytomas and renal cysts
- Histology (surgery)
CT Retrospective
n = 99
ROIs were delineated in different phases of CECT images. Heterogeneity has been further assessed. A predictive model using quantitative parameters was constructed and externally validated Various renal masses (oncocytomas, ccRCC, cysts, and papRCC) were accurately classified. The RF algorithm better categorized ccRCCs in 91% of images (SENS 91% and SPEC 97%), and papRCCs in 100% of cases (SENS 100% and SPEC 98%)
Leng et al. 77 - Differentiation of ccRCC and papRCC and AML
- Histology (surgery)
CT Retrospective
n = 139
A largest possible ROI was manually drawn and SD, entropy, and uniformity were analyzed. Heterogeneity indices were further assessed with a denoising algorithm Heterogeneity indices have the ability to differentiate ccRCC from papRCC. Best AUC (0.91) for the subjective score
Yan et al. 78 - Differentiation of ccRCC and papRCC and AML
- Histology (surgery or biopsy)
CT Retrospective
n = 50
Native and CECT images were analyzed and classified with texture analysis software (MaZda). Tumor attenuation values and enhancement degree was determined by an ROI For the discrimination between ccRCC and papRCC, excellent classification results were obtained with nonlinear discriminant analysis; on comparison of the three scanning phases, better lesion classification was observed with corticomedullary and nephrographic phase’s images
Hoang et al. 70 - Differentiation of
- benign and cancerous kidney lesions (ONC versus ccRCC and papRCC) and different RCC subtypes (ccRCC versus papRCC)
- Histology (surgery)
MRI Retrospective
n = 41
The features obtained from native a contrast MRI images have been analyzed. Lasso regression used for false rate results PapRCC was distinguished from ccRCC with an ACC of 77.9% (SENS 65.5% and SPEC 88.0%)
Li et al. 79 - differentiation of ccRCC, papRCC, chrRCC, AML and oncocytoma
- Histology (surgery)
MRI Retrospective
n = 92
ADC maps were constructed from FOV DWI images to identify the histogram parameters ADC histogram parameters differentiated eight of 10 pairs of renal tumors
Paschall et al. 71 - Differentiation of ccRCC versus papRCC and oncocytoma
- Histology (not specified if surgery or biopsy)
MRI Retrospective
n = 55
WL measurements were performed and ADC map constructed from WL histogram WL ADC features could discriminate papRCC from ONC. Best percentile ROC analysis demonstrated AUC of 95.2 (sensitivity of 84.5% and specificity of 93.1%)

2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional; ACC, accuracy; ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; AML, angiomyolipoma; ANN, artificial neural network; AUC, area under the curve; ccRCC, clear cell RCC; chRCC, chromophobe RCC; CECT, contrast-enhanced computed tomography; CT, computed tomography; DL, deep learning; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; FOV, field of view; IQR, inter-quartile range; LASSO, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator; ML, machine learning; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; mRMR, minimum redundancy maximum relevance; ONC, oncocytoma; papRCC, papillary RCC; PPV, positive predictive value; RCC, renal cell carcinoma; RF, random forest; ROC, receiver operator characteristics; ROI, region of interest; SD, standard deviation; SENS, sensitivity; SPEC, specificity; SVM, support vector machine; VOI, volume of interest; WL, whole lesion.