Table A.2.
Search Strategy for Embase (Ovid) on August 18th, 2022
ID | Strategy | Hits |
1 | (athlete or athletes or player or players or sport or sports or athletic or athletics or military personnel or military or armed forces or army or air force or navy or marine or marines or coast guard or service member or service members or active duty).tw. | 423993 |
2 | exp sport/or exp athlete/or exp military personnel/ | 238863 |
3 | 1 or 2 | 544412 |
4 | exp cervical vertebra/or (cervical or spinal or spine).tw. | 754098 |
5 | exp total disc replacement/or (artificial disc* or artificial disk*).tw. | 1778 |
6 | ((disc or disk) adj5 (replacement or arthroplasty)).tw. | 3423 |
7 | cervical arthroplast*.tw. | 409 |
8 | 5 or 6 | 3788 |
9 | 4 and 8 | 2878 |
10 | 7 or 9 | 2998 |
11 | 3 and 10 | 54 |