The CovSY39H variant responds poorly to environmental cues. Log2 fold transcript differences in selected genes between the M1-CovS-Y39H and M1-CovS-WT strains grown in THY broth (A), the M1-CovS-WT and M1-CovS-Y39H strains grown in THY broth supplemented or not with MgCl2 (B), and the M1-CovS-WT and M1-CovS-Y39H strains grown in THY broth supplemented or not with LL-37 (C) were determined by qRT-PCR. Genes above or below the zero bar are those that are overexpressed or underexpressed, respectively. Mean values and standard deviations (SD) are indicated (n = 4 [A and C] and n = 3 [B]). P values were determined by an unequal-variance t test on ΔCT (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ****, P < 0.001).