Figure 2.
Elevated DBP in late life was associated with higher cortical MAG:PLP1 in dementia. Late-life DBP was not significantly associated with FC MAG:PLP1 in (A) controls (Pearson’s correlation, ns, n = 99) but was associated with higher (B) FC MAG:PLP1 (Pearson’s r = 0.1985, P = 0.0259, n = 126) in dementia cases. Similarly, late-life DBP was not associated with (C) PC MAG:PLP1 ratios in controls (ns, n = 99) but correlated positively with (D) PC MAG:PLP1 (r = 0.1971, P = 0.0282, n = 124) ratios in dementia cases. Late-life SBP did not correlate with MAG:PLP1 in dementia cases or controls in either brain region (E–H; ns). Each point represents a single case. The continuous and interrupted lines indicate the best-fit linear regression and 95% CIs. Abbreviations: BP = blood pressure; FC = frontal cortex; MAG:PLP1 = myelin-associated glycoprotein:proteolipid protein-1; PC = parietal cortex; y = years.