Fig. 2. Fgfr3+ stromal cells are localized to the bone marrow endosteum.
a UMAP plots colored by expression of representative OCT Stem (Fgfr3), ORT 1 (Gas1), chondrocyte (Col2a1), osteoblast (Col1a1), and reticular cell (Lepr) markers. Violet: high expression, yellow: low expression. b Fgfr3-GFP femur at P21. Left panel: Scale bar: 500 µm. n = 4 mice. Center panels: Growth plate (upper) and cortical bone (lower) in high magnification. Immunohistostaining for FGFR3 (left) and RNAscope analyses of Fgfr3 (right). Scale bar: 20 µm. n = 4 mice. Right panels: Magnified images of endosteal space with Osx-mCherry (left), ALPL staining (center), and ACAN staining (right). GP: growth plate, PO: periosteum, BM: bone marrow. Scale bar: 20 µm. n = 4 mice. c Fgfr3-GFP; Fgfr3-creER; R26RtdTomato femur at P23 (pulsed at P21). Histology and flow cytometry analysis of CD45/Ter119/CD31neg bone marrow cells isolated from distal femurs. Fgfr3-GFP expression in Fgfr3CE-tdTomato+ cells. Blue lines: GFPneg control cells. GP: growth plate, BM: bone marrow. Scale bar: 20 µm. n = 3 mice. d UMAP visualization of three datasets (Prrx1cre-tdTomato+ cells at P21, Fgfr3CE-tdTomato+ cells at P23, and Gas1CE-tdTomato+ cells at P23) merged by LIGER. Prrx1cre-tdTomato+: 10,062 cells, pooled from n = 3 mice, Fgfr3CE-tdTomato+: 5615 cells, pooled from n = 8 mice (pulsed at P21), Gas1CE-tdTomato+: 2050 cells, pooled from n = 7 mice (pulsed at P21). Leftmost: UMAP visualization of major sub-clusters. Center to the right: Density plots of Prrx1-cre (left center), Fgfr3-creER (right center), and Gas1-creER (rightmost). Red dotted contour: OCT Stem cluster (enriched in Fgfr3-creER dataset). Blue dotted contour: ORT 1 cluster (enriched in Gas1-creER dataset). Colored scale, violet: high expression, yellow: low expression. e Flow cytometry analyses of CD45/Ter119/CD31neg bone marrow cells isolated from Fgfr3-creER; R26RtdTomato and Gas1-creER; R26RtdTomato femurs at P23 (pulsed at P21), or Lepr-cre; R26RtdTomato, Col1a1-GFP, and Cxcl12-GFP femurs at P21. Lower right: Percentage of tdTomato+ cells within CD45/Ter119/CD31neg fraction. n = 7 (Fgfr3CE), n = 6 (Gas1CE), n = 5 (Leprcre), n = 8 (Col1a1-GFP), and n = 6 (Cxcl12-GFP) mice. Two-tailed, one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparison test. f Percentage of mSSCs among Fgfr3CE+/neg or Gas1CE+/neg cells (upper). Percentage of Fgfr3CE+ and Gas1CE+ cells among mSSCs (lower). n = 7 (Fgfr3CE), n = 4 (Gas1CE) mice. Data were presented as mean ± s.d. Exact P value is indicated in the figures. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.