Figure 3.
Taxonomic assignment of microbial GT2 at the genus level in the cecal digesta for comparison. (A) Scatter plot of alpha diversity of taxonomic assignment of microbial GT2 in the CON, ENM, SFP, and LFP groups. Each bar represents mean ± standard deviation (n = 4). Different superscripts indicate significant differences between groups. (B) PCoA of the taxonomic assignment of microbial GT2 gene in the CON, ENM, SFP, and LFP groups (n = 4). (C) Heatmap of abundance of taxonomic assignment of microbial GT2 gene in the cecal digesta. Abundance distribution of 35 dominant genera (Y-axis) across all samples (X-axis) is displayed (n = 4). The values are normalized using the Z-score. (D) Results of Spearman's correlation analysis between dominant carbohydrate-active enzyme genes and growth performance. Abbreviations: ADFI, average daily feed intake; ADG, average daily gain; BW, body weight; CON, basal diet; ENM, basal diet supplemented with enramycin; FCR: feed conversion ratio; LFP, Basal diet supplemented with B. licheniformis–fermented products; PCoA, principal coordinate analysis; SFP, Basal diet supplemented with B. subtilis–fermented products.