Figure 6.
Correlations between complement and coagulation proteins and clinical parameters. (A) Correlation of mean abundance of all quantified common proteins shared between NT1 patients of both cohorts. (B) Inverse correlation between the abundance of protein C5 with that of NTRK2/TrkB and NTRK3/TrkC in the CSF of the 21 studied NT1 patients. (C) Shared proteins of the complement and coagulation pathways correlated with clinical parameters (age, time from onset, orexin CSF levels, severity of sleep episodes, severity of cataplexy, severity of hallucinations, severity of sleep paralysis, severity of night sleep disruption and total disease severity). All NT1 patients from both cohorts were included in this analysis. The values in the heatmap represent the coefficients of correlation assessed with Pearson test and highlighted squares represent statistically significant correlations. (D) Correlation of proteins C7 and FII with NT1 total severity.