Fig. 4.
Liver gene expression of inflammatory markers in REDD1 KO and WT mice following rest or 1, 3 or 6 h recovery from 60 min treadmill running. Gene expression is fold change relative to rested WT mice. Data were analysed using two-way analyses of variance. Orm1 data were log-transformed for analysis. Samples sizes are n = 8 per group for rested mice and n = 5–6 per group for exercised mice, except Crp and Orm1 expression were not measured in one rested WT animal. Main effects of exercise, genotype and their interaction are presented as: F-value (degrees of freedom), P-value and η2. Data are presented as untransformed means (95% CIs). KO, knockout; REDD1, regulated in development and DNA damage response-1; WT, wild-type.