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. 2023 Apr 11;12:e43. doi: 10.1017/jns.2023.27

Table 1.

Basic characteristics of technologies used to assess children's dietary intake

Brand name (tool used) Type of technology Food intake assessment method Method of administration Data entry method Age group Language displayed by the software Country of origin Data collection setting References
Web-based Food Record
Web-based software FR with 24HR's elements Self-administered Text 8–9 years (Medin et al., 2015)
8–9 and 12–14 years (Medin et al., 2016, 2017)
Norwegian Norway School Medin et al.(4951)
Tablet-based 24 h
recall Tool
Software with offline functionality 24HR Interview Text 4–8 years English Zambia Home Caswell et al.(99)
Portuguese self-administered
computerised 24-hour
dietary (PAC-24)
Web-based software 24HR Self-administered Text 7–10 years Portuguese Portugal School Carvalho et al.(52)
Mobile Food Record (mFR) Smartphone App Analysis of images by FR Self-administered Food Photos 3–10 years (Aflague et al., 2015)
8–18 years (Polfuss et al., 2018)
3–12 months (Campbell et al., 2020; Fialkowski et al., 2020)
English USA Not applicable Aflague et al.; Polfuss et al.; Campbell et al.; Fialkowski et al.(7376)
Dietetyk2 Nutritional Program Software with offline functionality Not informed Not reported Not reported 3–6 years Not reported Poland Not reported Ambroszkiewicz et al.(53)
Web-based Dietary Assessment Software for Children (WebDASC) Web-based software 24HR Self-administered Text 8–11 years (All the studies) Danish Denmark Home Andersen et al.; Biltoft-Jensen et al.; Kjeldsen et al.(1725)
Food Intake Recording Software System (FIRSSt) Software with offline functionality 24HR Self-administered Options for answers 9–11 years (Baranowski et al., 2002)
8–12 years (Baranowski et al., 2003)
9–10 years (Cullen et al., 2004)
English USA School Baranowski et al.; Cullen et al.(7779)
Automated Self-Administered 24 Hour Dietary Recall (ASA24) Web-based software 24HR Self-administered Not reported 8–13 years English USA School Baranowski et al.(80)
Food Intake Recording Software System version 4 (FIRSSt4) Web-based software 24HR Self-administered Options for answers Not informed English USA Not reported Baranowski et al.(81)
eButton Digital camera Analysis of images Self-administered Food Photos 9–13 years (Beltran et al., 2018)
8–13 years (Beltran et al., 2016)
English USA Home and school Beltran et al.(82,83)
Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR) Software with offline functionality 24HR Interview Text 12 months (Bonuck et al., 2014)
4–24 months (Briefel et al., 2006; Devaney et al., 2004; Ponza et al., 2004)
0–47 months (Butte et al., 2010)
8–10 years (Lanctot et al., 2008)
9–11 years (Van Furth et al., 2016)
English USA Home – by telephone – (Bonuck et al., 2013) Bonuck et al. Briefel et al.; Butte et al.; Devaney et al.; Lanctot et al.; Ponza et al.; Thompson et al.(2632)
RealityMalta Web-based software 24HR Self-administered Not reported 9–11 years English Malta School Copperstone et al.(33)
Consumo Alimentar e Atividade Física de Escolares (CAAFE) Web-based software 24HR Self-administered Options for answers with figures 6–12 years (da Costa et al., 2013a, 2013b)
7–10 years (Davies et al., 2015a)
7–11 years (Davies et al., 2015b)
Portuguese Brazil School da Costa et al.; Davies et al.(3437)
Evernote app Smartphone App FFQ Self-administered Pictures of foods and text 9–12 years English New Zealand Home Davison et al.(38)
European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Software (EPIC-soft) Software with offline functionality 24HR Interview Pictures of foods and text 7–8 years and 12–13 years (de Boer et al., 2011a, 2011b; Trolle et al., 2011a, 2011b-1)
4–5 years (Trolle et al., 2011b-2)
Not reported Denmark and Basque region (Spain) Home de Boer et al.; Trolle et al.(3943)
Consumo Alimentar e Atividade Física de Escolares (Web-CAAFE) Web-based software 24HR Self-administered Options for answers with figures of foods 7–11 years (Kupek et al., 2016b; Perazi et al., 2020)
7–15 years (Jesus et al., 2017)
7–12 years (Pereira et al., 2020)
7–10 years (Segura et al., 2019)
Portuguese Brazil School Kupek et al.; de Jesus et al.; Perazi et al.; Pereira et al.; Segura et al.(4448)
The VioScreen FFQ Web-based software FFQ Self-administered Options for answers with figures of foods 6–14 years English USA Home Deierlein et al.(84)
Tool for Energy Balance in Children (TECH) Digital camera FR Self-administered Food photos and text 5–6 years (Delisle Nyström et al., 2016)
4 years (Cadenas-Sanchez et al., 2017)
3 years (Henriksson et al., 2015)
4 years (Parekh et al., 2018)
Sweden Sweden Home Cadenas-Sanchez et al.; Delisle Nystrom et al.; Henriksson et al.; Parekh et al.(5457)
Nutrient Data System Software with offline functionality 24HR Interview Not reported 4–10 years English USA Home (by telephone) Derr et al.(85)
Automated Self-Administered 24 Hour Dietary Recall for Children (ASA24-Kids-2012) Web-based software 24HR Self-administered Not reported 9–11 years English USA Childcare centres Diep et al.(86)
Previous Day Food Questionnaire (PDFQ) Web-based software 24HR Self-administered Options for answers with pictures of foods 7–12 years Portuguese Brazil School Engel et al.(100)
Intake24 software Web-based software 24HR Interview Text 8–11 years English New Zealand School Eyles et al.(95)
European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Software (EPIC-soft Data Entry) Software with offline functionality 24HR Interview Options for answers and text 4 months–10 years Not reported Not reported Home (in person or by telephone) Freisling et al.(101)
Self-Administered Children and Infant Nutrition Assessment (SACINA) Software with offline functionality 24HR Self-administered Options for answers 2–9 years (Graffe et al., 2019)
4–10 years (Börnhorst et al., 2013)
2–9 years (Börnhorst et al., 2014; Svensson et al., 2014)
Not reported Not reported School Börnhorst et al.; Graffe et al.; Svensson et al.(102105)
No brand name (Canada) Web-based software FFQ Self-administered Options for answers 6–12 years Not reported Canada Home Bischoff and Portella(87)
No brand name (Australia) Computer-based 24HR Interview Text 2–16 years Not reported Not reported Home Clifton et al., 2011(106)
Audio-enhanced tablet computer-based food frequency questionnaire (ATC-based FFQ) Software with offline functionality FFQ Self-administered Text 2–13 years English and Spanish USA Home Kilanowski et al.(88)
No brand name (Norway) Web-based software FFQ and 24HR Self-administered Not reported 3–5 years (Kristiansen et al., 2017, 2019) English Norwegian Home e school Kristiansen et al.(58,59)
Young Adolescents’ Nutrition Assessment on Computer (YANA-C) Software with offline functionality 24HR Self-administered Not reported 9–11 years (Lahoz-Garcia and Garcia-Hermoso, 2018; Lahoz-Garcia et al., 2015) Spanish Belgium School Lahoz-Garcia and Garcia-Hermoso; Lahoz-Garcia et al.(60,61)
No brand name (United Kingdom) Smart card system Not applicable Barcode reading Barcode 8–11 years English United Kingdom School (cantina school) Lambert et al.(6264)
United States Department of Agriculture Automated Multiple-Pass Method program (USDA AMPM) Software with offline functionality 24HR Interview Not reported ≥4 years (Lee et al., 2014)
1–13 years (Shakur et al., 2012)
English USA Home Lee et al.; Shakur et al.(89,90)
ENIA-soft Software with offline functionality FR and food propensity questionnaire for supplements Self-administered Text 6–17 years Spanish Spain Home López-Sobaler et al.(65)
No brand name (Poland) Smart card system FR Barcode reading Barcode 6–12 years Not applicable Poland School Luszczki et al.(66)
No brand name (USA) Digital camera FR Self-administered Food Photos 9–12 years English USA Home Matthiessen et al., 2011(91)
Synchronised Nutrition and Activity Program™ (SNAP™) Web-based software 24HR and FFQ Self-administered Text 7–15 years (Moore et al., 2007, 2013) English England Home Moore et al.(67,68)
No brand name (Reino Unido) Software with offline functionality 24HR and FFQ Interview Text 9–11 years English England School Moore et al.(69)
No brand name (USA Nick) Digital camera Analysis of images Collected by interviewers Food photos 3 years and 8 months–5 years (Nicklas et al., 2012)
3 years and 10 months–5 years (Nicklas et al., 2017)
8–11 years (Taylor et al., 2014)
Not reported USA Home and school Nicklas et al.; Taylor et al.(92,93)
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) App FR Self-administered Pictures of foods 9–15 years Not reported Spanish Hospital Oliver et al.(70)
No brand name (New Zealand) Software with offline functionality 24HR Interview Options for answers and text 5–14 years (Parnell et al., 2003; Thomson et al., 2007) Not reported New Zealand Home and school Parnell et al.; Thomson et al.(96,97)
Computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) Computer-based FFQ Interview Text 4–12 years English Australia Home Sanigorski et al.(98)
Automated Self-Administered 24-Hour Dietary Assessment Tool (ASA24-Canada) Web-based software 24HR Self-administered Text 2–5 years English Canada School Wallace et al.(94)
No brand name (Sweden) Digital camera FR Self-administered Food photos 12 months Not applicable Sweden Home Johansson et al.(71)
My E-Diary and Lifestyle (MEDAL) Web-based software FR Self-administered Options for answers and text 7–13 years English Singapore Home and school Chia et al.(108)
Digital photography (no brand name) Digital camera FR Self-administered Food photos 7–8 years (Erkilic et al., 2020)
5–7 years (Normanet al., 2020)
Not applicable Not applicable Home and school Erkilic et al.; Norman et al.(109,110)
Multiple-Pass 24 Diet (MP24Diet) Smartphone App 24HR Self-administered Options for answers 6–23 months Not reported Indonesia Home Htet et al.(107)
NutriKids Smartphone App FR Self-administered Options for answers and recognition of food's brand and specificities (using camera) Not reported French Switzerland Hospital Jacques et al.(72)

FR, Food Records; 24HR, 24-hour dietary recall; App, Application; USA, United States of America; FFQ, Food Frequency Questionnaire.