Fig. 1.
MORC7 binds to regions devoid of RdDM. a Screenshots of ChIP-seq data for MORC7A-unique, MORC7B-unique, MORC7-Pol V Common, and Pol V-unique regions. b Metaplots of ChIP-seq data for MORC7, Pol V, H3K27ac, H3K4me3, ATAC-seq, transposable element (TE), and small RNA density over regions of MORC7A-unique, MORC7B-unique, MORC7-Pol V Common, and Pol V-unique. c Metaplot showing methylation levels of CG, CHG, and CHH, over regions of MORC7A-unique, MORC7B-B unique, MORC7-Pol V Common, and Pol V-unique. d Metaplot showing methylation levels of CG, CHG, and CHH methylation changes (morchex minus WT) over regions of MORC7A-unique, MORC7B-unique, MORC7-Pol V Common, and Pol V-unique