A. Heatmap of mean concatenated responses of boutons to stepwise
luminance changes, to DRN5HT→dLGN optostim at baseline
(left), and to horizontal and vertical bars containing
white noise (middle, see Fig. S3A, Movie S1 and Methods). Boutons are separated by category (color
bar, right) and sorted by amplitude of suppression during
DRN5HT→dLGN stimulation (red bar) at baseline. FF: 5,333,
Bar: 599, FF+bar: 189, SBC: 178 boutons.
B. Mean concatenated responses of an example bouton from each category
to stepwise luminance changes, DRN5HT→dLGN stimulation (red
area), and vertical and horizontal white-noise bars. Activity levels were
normalized to the bouton’s dynamic range (right y-axis): the range
between the minimum and maximum activity (re-scaled to 0–1) across all
stimulus types (see Methods).
C. Cumulative distributions of response to optostim at baseline for
each category. LME: all distributions were significantly suppressed, p <
.001; FF vs. Bar, FF vs. FF+Bar, SBC vs. FF+Bar, SBC vs. Bar p<.001,
FF+Bar vs. Bar p < .01. Inset: mean per mouse (black lines, n = 6) and
across mice (bars). Mouse means for FF vs. Bar: *p <.05 (Kruskal-Wallis,
with post hoc Dunn’s multiple comparison).
D. Cumulative distributions of difference in baseline (normalized to
dynamic range) on Opto and Ctrl trials. LME: all distributions were
significantly suppressed, p < .001; FF vs. Bar, FF vs. FF+Bar, SBC vs.
FF+Bar, SBC vs. Bar, FF vs. SBC: p<.001. Inset: mean per mouse (black
lines, n = 6) and across mice (bars). Mouse means for FF vs. Bar: **p
<.01, FF vs. FF+Bar: *p<.05 (Kruskal-Wallis with post hoc
E. Cumulative distributions of mean activity during baseline
(normalized to dynamic range). Inset: mean per mouse (black lines, n = 6) and
across mice (bars). Mouse means for FF+bar vs. SBC, and SBC vs. Bar: **p
<.01 (Kruskal-Wallis with post hoc Dunn’s).
F. Scatter plot of baseline activity vs. suppression by optostim (as in
D). Dots: RGC boutons, colored by category. Top and right:
distributions for each category. Pearson’s correlation across all
boutons: −.379, p = 9 × 10-215.
G. Same as D, but restricted to the posterior region of dLGN containing
retinotopic responses to bar stimuli. LME: all categories were significantly
suppressed, p < .001; FF vs. Bar, FF vs. FF+Bar, p<.001, SBC vs.
Bar, p<.01. Inset: mean per mouse (black lines, n = 6) and across mice
See also Figure
S3 and Movie