A. Binarized image of DRN axons in dLGN (see Fig. 2C). Dots: bouton locations. Black line: dLGN
B. Mean suppression by DRN5HT→dLGN optostim at
baseline as a function of nearby DRN axon density (fraction of pixels with a DRN
axon in a 10 μm radius of a bouton’s center of mass, see Methods). Thin lines: mean per mouse (n =
6), thick line: mean across mice.
C. Same as B, but plotted separately for FF and Bar boutons.
D. Mean difference in optostim-evoked suppression between FF and Bar
boutons, calculated using all boutons or using only boutons with nearby DRN axon
density between .25-.4 (i.e. ‘axon density-matched boutons’).
E. Binarized image of DRN axons (red) in a high-magnification FOV
(Fig. 4). RGC bouton ROIs are colored
by category.
F. Mean DRN axon density around FF vs. Bar boutons for each FOV.
G. Mean optostim-evoked suppression (see Fig. 4G) for FF and Bar boutons at .5-.7 of their dynamic range,
restricted to boutons with DRN axon density between .15 and .3. Bars: mean
across mice; black lines: means per mouse (n=8). *p<0.05, two-tailed
paired t-test.
H. Mean difference per mouse in optostim-evoked suppression between FF
and Bar boutons using all boutons (as in Figure
4G) or subsets of boutons with nearby DRN axon density between .15
and .3.
See also Figure