A. Coronal slice of dLGN immunostained for 5-HT1B.
B. Example colocalization of 5-HT1B puncta (magenta) with Vglut2 (blue,
RGC axon terminals) and RGC axons (green, Chx10-Cre; FLEX-ChR2-YFP).
C. Set-up of whole-cell recording of thalamocortical cells in a dLGN
slice from Pet1-Cre mice. EPSCs are evoked by optic tract electrical stimulation
with and without optostim of ChrimsonR-expressing DRN axons.
D. Plot of the peak EPSC amplitude (holding potential: −70 mV)
and access resistance (Racc.) over consecutive trials of optic tract
stimulation. Red bars: optostim trials.
E. Example EPSC from the recording in D on Opto and Ctrl trials (Ctrl,
mean of five preceding trials). Stimulus artifacts are blanked for clarity.
F. Mean percent suppression across all 16 recorded cells (dots) from 14
mice. **p<0.01, two-tailed t-test.
G. Mean percent suppression before and after bath application of
NAS-181. DRN5HT→dLGN-evoked suppression was reduced by NAS-181
in 7/8 cells (black lines). *p<0.05, two-tailed paired t-test.
H. Violin plot of htr1b expression (in log Transcripts
Per Million [TPM]) in all molecularly-defined RGC types (publicly available
scSeq dataset of adult RGCs). Green: F-mini RGCs, blue: alpha RGCs.
I. Mean intensity of 5-HT1B staining within all Vglut2+ regions of
interest (ROIs) in a slice, compared with ROIs that overlapped with specific RGC
axons (labeled with YFP using Kcng4-Cre mice [alpha RGCs] or Foxp2-Cre mice
[F-mini RGCs], see Methods). Kcng4-Cre: 7
slices [gray lines], 3 mice, Foxp2-Cre: 9 slices, 4 mice; colored lines: mean
across slices. **p<0.01, two-tailed paired t-test (F-mini RGC: p =
0.0042; alpha RGC: p = 0.253).
See also Figure