Gut hormone responses to control and CCP-enriched test bread. Postprandial responses are based on analysis of blood samples collected following consumption of white bread rolls containing 0% (control, n = 20), 30% (n = 20) or 60% (n = 19) cellular chickpea powder (CPP) and 50 g of available carbohydrate per serving. Time-course data show the change (relative to fasting concentrations) to (A) GIP, (D) GLP-1 and (G) PYY, measured for 240 min. Bar charts show the integrated area under the curve (iAUC) calculated for the 1st peak (above baseline) of the time-course data for GIP (B), GLP-1 (E) and PYY (H) responses. The scatter plots show the matched iAUC for individual participants for GIP (C), GLP-1(F) and PYY (I) following the consumption of each of the bread types; data points connected by a line were from the same individual. Significant time x treatment effects were detected for GIP (ABC, P = 0.007), GLP-1 (DEF, P < 0.001), and PYY (GHI, P < 0.001). Data presented as means ± SEM, significance determined by mixed-effects ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc analysis; Significant differences between 0% CCP and 30% CCP (aP< 0.05), significant differences between 0% CCP and 60% CCP (bP < 0.05, bbP < 0.01 and bbbP < 0.001) and significant differences between 30% CCP and 60% CCP (cP < 0.05, ccP < 0.01 and cccP < 0.001). For iAUC values; ns P > 0.05, ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01, and ∗∗∗P < 0.001. Color legend is the same for all panels.