Effects of CCP-enrichment on participant satiety and food intake. The change in postprandial (A) combined satiety score, (D) hunger and (G) digestive comfort measured for 240 min following consumption of bread rolls, containing 0% (control), 30% or 60% chickpea powder (CPP) as measured by anchored visual analog scales. Barcharts show the integrated area under the curve (iAUC), calculated from the time-course data, for the negative peak of the combined satiety score (B), and total for digestive comfort (H). The matched iAUC for individual participants for combined satiety score (C), and digestive comfort (I) following the consumption of the control and CCP test meals. Time x treatment effects were not statistically significant for the combined satiety score (ABC, P = 0.053), hunger (D, P = 0.330) and digestive comfort (GH, P = 0.559). Changes in the amount of food eaten during a second, ad libitum meal provided to participants after 240 min (E) and comparison within individuals (F) was recorded for control and CCP test meals and meal effects on food intake were not statistically significant (main treatment effect, P = 0.180). Data presented as means ± SEM.