a, Heat map showing expression of genes related to CM maturation in control and iDCM-CMs. b, Dot plot of fold enrichment (fe) of gene ontology (GO) pathways. up = upregulated in iDCMs; down = downregulated in iDCMs. c, Shannon entropy score showing relative maturation score of control and iDCM-CMs. d, Top, In the control CM with a normally organized sarcomere (α-actinin, red), PCNT (green) is redistributed to the perinuclear region (arrowheads). Bottom, In the RTTN mutant (iDCM) CM with a disorganized sarcomere (α-actinin, red), PCNT (green) remains localized to the centrosome. Quantification of PCNT distribution in D36 control and iDCM-CMs by a blinded observer with categories of centriolar, split, or perinuclear. PCNT was perinuclear in 21.65% of control-CMs, whereas it was perinuclear in only 7.26% of iDCM-CMs. Perinuclear vs centriolar p = 0.0021 by two-tailed Fisher’s exact test. n = 97 control-CMs, 124 iDCM-CMs. e, Left, Control CM displaying a prominent network of thick microtubule (MT) fibers (α-tubulin, green) emanating from the perinuclear region, with an organized sarcomere (cardiac TnT, red). Right, by contrast, iDCM CM displayed thinner, shorter and fainter MT fibers without a clear organizing center, and a disorganized sarcomere. Quantification of CMs with grossly normal and abnormal MT network by a blinded observer. The MT network was grossly normal in 86% of control-CMs, whereas only 48% of iDCM-CMs had normal MT networks. n= 28 Control-CMs, 23 iDCM-CMs. p=0.006 by two-tailed Fisher’s exact test. Scale bar = 50 μm.