Fig. 5. Prognostic value of spatial immune infiltration.
a, b Multivariate Cox regression analyses testing the prognostic value of the colocalisation between cancer cells and lymphocytes as a continuous variable for overall survival in melanoma, n = 88 (a) and prostate canine cancers, n = 12 (b). Other variables included are age and AI-based lymphocyte percentage (see Methods). The same multivariate model but incorporating the colocalisation between cancer cells and lymphocytes as a dichotomised variable using the upper three quartiles as high group, lower quartile as low group, determined individually for melanoma (c), and prostate (d) canine tumours. LQ, lower quartile, HR, hazard ratio, CI, confidence interval, VIF, variance inflation factor. Kaplan–Meier curves illustrating the difference in overall survival according to the colocalisation between cancer cells and lymphocytes, dichotomised into high (upper three quartiles) and low (lower quartile) groups, in melanoma (e), and prostate (f) canine tumours. Higher tumour-immune colocalisation is associated with a better prognosis in melanoma patients. For prostate cancer, the same trend is observed (see Methods), although non-significant.