Table 2.
Pearson correlations for Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q), demographic information, and disease-specific indicators of scoliosis.
Scale | Age | Annual income | Highest level of education | Race/ethnicity | Did you ever undergo bracing treatment for your scoliosis? | At what age were you diagnosed with scoliosis | Were you ever told by a doctor that your scoliosis required surgery? | Did you have a spinal fusion? |
EDE-Q: global score | .053 | .306*** | .228** | −.213* | −.440*** | .563*** | −0.196* | .065 |
EDE-Q: restraint subscale | .009 | .319*** | .300*** | −.160 | −.330*** | .513*** | −.158 | .103 |
EDE-Q: eating concern subscale | .068 | .229** | .322** | −.237** | −.397*** | .525*** | −.162* | .096 |
EDE-Q: Shape Concern Subscale | .076 | .196* | .235** | −.215* | −.295*** | .412*** | −.200* | .035 |
EDE-Q: weight concern subscale | .040 | .092 | .067 | −.170* | −.234** | .293*** | −.086 | .079 |
For annual income, “less than $25 000” was coded as 1, “$25 000 to $34 999” as 2, “$35 000 to $49 999” as 3, “$50 000 to $74 999” as 4, “$75 000 to $99 999” as 5, “$100 000 to $149 999” as 6, and “$150 000 or more” as 7. For highest level of education, “No high school” was coded as 1, “Some high school, no diploma” as 2, “High school graduate, diploma or the equivalent” as 3, “Some college credit, no degree” as 4, “Trade/technical/vocational training” as 5, “Associate’s degree” as 6, “Bachelor’s degree” as 7, “Master’s degree” as 8, and “Professional/Doctoral Degree” as 9. Hispanic, African American, Native American/American Indian, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Other were collapsed into the category “non-white” and coded as 2. White participants were coded as 1. For the disease-specific variables (undergoing bracing treatment, being told by a doctor that scoliosis required surgery, and having spinal fusion) were coded as 1 for “Yes” and 2 for “No.”
P < .050; **P < .010; ***P < .001.