Effect of CCND2 knockdown in inducing declustering of centrosomes. (A) CCND2 expression in unexposed, CSC exposed, and siRNA knockdown Beas‐2B cells. CSC‐exposed Beas‐2B cells showed a higher expression of CCND2 compared with untreated and siRNA knockdown cells (A, D). Knockdown of CCND2 showed a corresponding decrease of CDK2 in Beas‐2B cells (A, D). Similarly, B, E and C, F show a higher increase of SHH and FOXM1 in CSC‐exposed Beas‐2B compared with untreated and siRNA knockdown Beas‐2B cells alone and with CSC, respectively. SHH and FOXM1 knockdown also decreased CDK2 expression as shown in B, E and C, F. (G, H) The suppression of SHH, CCND2, and CDK2 in SHH knockdown Beas‐2B cells in the presence or absence of CSC compared with CSC‐exposed Beas‐2B cells.