Fig. 2.
The compositions, biomarkers, and source of MSC-exos. Compared to normal exosomes, MSC-exos display similar compositions and biomarkers, which are related to biogenesis-related proteins (Alix, TSG101), membrane transport and fusion proteins (Annexin, Rab5), tetraspanins (CD81, CD63, CD9), specific receptor (EGFR), and antigen presentation (MHC, HLA-G). Various components, mainly metabolites, proteins, enzymes, HSPs, DNAs, mRNAs, miRNAs, lncRNAs, and circRNAs, are enclosed within MSC-exos. Multiple stem cell exosomes have good potential in wound healing, including ADSCs, BMSCs, hUC-MSCs, iPSCs, EPSCs, USCs, OMLP-PCs, MenSCs, WJ-MSCs, hAMSCs, hAFSCs, and hESCs. EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; MHC, major histocompatibility complex class; HLA-G, human leukocyte antigen-G; HSPs, heat shock proteins; mRNAs, messenger RNAs; miRNAs, microRNA; lncRNAs, long non-coding RNAs; circRNAs, circular RNAs. In this figure was partly generated using Servier Medical Art (, provided by Servier, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported license (