Figure 3.
Forest plots of clinical cure rates in patients with MRSA bacteremia treated with LZD versus VCM, TEIC, or DAP. (A) RCTs; (B) CSs. The vertical line indicates no significant difference between the compared groups. Mantel–Haenszel ORs are represented by diamond shapes, and 95% CIs are represented by horizontal lines. Squares indicate point estimates, and the square size indicates the weight of each study included in the meta-analysis. MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; RCTs, randomized controlled trial; CSs, case-control and cohort studies; CI, confidence interval; LZD, linezolid; VCM, vancomycin; TEIC, teicoplanin; DAP, daptomycin; OR, odds ratio.