Schematic depiction of the differential modulation of osteoclast resorption activity by parental or bone tropic breast cancer cells. (Left panel) β2-AR stimulation drives the upregulation of several proteins, such as Clu and STC1, and the downregulation of proteins such as CCN2 and ANXA2 in parental MDA-231 BC cells. Although exposure to the secretome of β2-AR primed parental BC cells leads to decreased osteoclast resorption activity, the addition of osteoblasts to the model rescues osteoclast activity to control levels. (Right panel) on the other hand, the β2-AR stimulation of bone tropic MDA-1833 cells leads to the upregulation of proteins such as CCN2 and ANXA2 and the downregulation of proteins such as CST3 and IGFBP7. The distinct modulation of protein expression by β2-AR on bone tropic cells did not result in observable changes in osteoclast activity, either in monocultures or in co-cultures with osteoblasts.