AU9 reduces inflammation. (A) Two-step qRTPCR analysis demonstrates by bubble plot that AU9 reduces inflammatory gene markers in 3xTgAD administered AU9 (5 mg/Kg daily for three months by oral gavage). (B,C) Western analysis demonstrates reduced protein expression of IBA1 and TSPO in similarly treated 3xTgAD mice as in A. Values were based on normalized protein concentrations, standardized to β-tubulin, and displayed as fold changes from control. Statistical values were obtained using Student t-test analysis ± S.E.M. Where n = 6 mice per group and *: p < 0.05 and **: p < 0.001. (D) Nitrite levels were measured by Griess reagent assay, where increasing concentrations of AU9 reduced LPS-mediated nitrite formation. Values were based upon triplicate readings from 6 independent assays and standardized to protein concentration. Statistical values were obtained using student t-test analysis ± S.E.M. ns = Not significant, **: p < 0.001, and ***: p < 0.0001.