Effect of 84E7 AR activation on markers of proliferation, apoptosis, necrosis, and autophagy. (A) AR activation reduced proliferative potential, demonstrated by decreased expression of Ki67, a marker of proliferation. (B) AR activation did not cause apoptosis, demonstrated by lack of positive staining using Annexin-V or PI. Cells treated with cycloheximide as a positive control showed green staining fluorescence for Annexin-V (apoptosis), and red staining for PI (necrosis) (top panel). Nuclear DNA was stained blue by Hoechst 33,342 stain. (C) Continuous AR activation did not initiate apoptosis or autophagy in 84E7 cells, indicated by a lack of significant change in expression of caspase-8 and LC3A/B. (D) Quantification of immunofluorescence data revealed a significant decrease (36%; * p < 0.05) in proliferation marker Ki67 and no significant change in apoptosis, necrosis, or autophagy markers.