Models of pigment cell fate specification based on the results of this study and studies of zebrafish. (A) In axolotl, gene editing of Ltk affects iridophore and melanophore abundances, and proportionally fewer xanthophores are characteristic of melanoid. Arrows are weighted differently to show differences in pigment cell abundances. This model is consistent with direct fate specification of pigment cells from a multipotent progenitor. (B) In zebrafish shady, Ltk knockout only affects the specification of iridophores and does not affect melanophore or xanthophore abundances, consistent with progressive fate specification of iridophores and xanthophores [31]. (C) A cyclical fate restriction model recently proposed for zebrafish [15,16] posits dynamic, direct fate specification from highly multipotent progenitor cells. Yellow circles denote xanthophore lineage cells, white circles denote iridophore lineage cells, and black circles denote melanophore lineage cells.