(A) Alkaline Comet assay measures of DNA damage formation (% Tail DNA) in whole-blood peripheral blood lymphocytes (WB-PBL) following 20 Gy CONV or FLASH irradiation at 21 or 0.5% O2, and treatment of the post-lysis-generated nucleoids with either FPG (0.1 U per gel) (columns 2, 4, 6, and 8) or ERB-only (columns 1, 3, 5, and 7). Data are expressed as the mean % Tail DNA of three slides (n = 3). Error bars indicate standard deviation of the means for each experimental condition. (B) The determined relative levels of induced strand break damage (SSB) vs. FPGss following 20 Gy CONV or FLASH irradiation at 21 or 0.5% O2.