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. 2023 Mar 29;26(4):106522. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106522

HRP-conjugated goat anti-human IgA+IgG+IgM (H+L) antibody Jackson Code#109-035-064; RRID: AB_2337583
Rabbit monoclonal anti-H. pylori antibody (clone EP279) Cell Marque Cat#AC-0247; RRID: AB_2936230
Rabbit polyclonal anti-H. suis antibody This paper N/A
HRP-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antibody Agilent Technologies Code#P0448; RRID: AB_2617138

Bacterial and virus strains

H. suis SNTW101c Rimbara et al.9 N/A
H. pylori TN2GF4 Matsui et al.39 N/A
H. suis 13 strains isolated from gastric biopsy specimens of subjects This paper See Table S1
H. pylori 17 strains isolated from gastric biopsy specimens of subjects This paper See Table S1

Biological samples

Gastric biopsy specimens from subjects This paper N/A
Serum specimens from subjects This paper N/A

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

H. pylori eradication triple-combination drug VONOSAP Pack 400 (vonoprazan 40 mg, amoxicillin 1500 mg, and clarithromycin 400 mg) Takeda Pharmaceutical YJ Code# 6199104X1023
H. pylori eradication triple-combination drug VONOSAP Pack 800 (vonoprazan 40 mg, amoxicillin 1500 mg, and clarithromycin 800 mg) Takeda Pharmaceutical YJ Code# 6199104X2020

Critical commercial assays

DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits Qiagen Cat#69504/69556
Nextera XT DNA Library Prep Kit Illumina Illumina advantage product Cat#TG-131-1096
ELISA enzyme substrate KPL SureBlue TMB Microwell Peroxidase Substrate (1-Component) Sera Care Life Sciences Material#5120-0075
Nunc-Immuno 96-well microtiter plate Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#439454
NHPH agar plate This paper N/A
Brucella broth BD BD BBLTM -211088
Skirrow Oxoid Cat#OXSR0069E
Vitox Oxoid Cat#R663090
Dent Oxoid Cat#OXSR0147E
Helicobacter-selective agar plate Nissui Pharmaceutical Cat#51035
Histofine antigen-retrieval solution Nichirei Biosciences Code#414251F/414252F
Master mix IDT Code#1055770

Deposited data

Whole-genome sequences of H. suis 13 strains (GenBank/ENA/DDBJ accession number) This paper See Table S1
The 23S-rRNA gene sequences of H. pylori 16 strains (GenBank/ENA/DDBJ accession number) This paper See Table S1
The 23S-rRNA gene sequences of Helicobacter 21 type strains (GenBank/ENA/DDBJ accession number) This paper See Table S2
Sequence typing (ST) assignment This paper PubMLST


H. suis hsvA targeting probe-based real-time PCR primer sequence: NHP194003_11930_forward: 5′-CTGGTAATGCATCA
Rimbara et al.9 N/A
H. suis hsvA targeting probe-based real-time PCR primer sequence: NHP194003_11930_reverse: GATGGGCGCTTCTGGTTTA Rimbara et al.9 N/A
H. suis hsvA targeting probe-based real-time PCR probe sequence: NHP194003_11930_probe: 56-FAM/TGTACACAC/ZEN/CAAACAGATG
Rimbara et al.9
NHPH 16S rRNA gene targeting probe-based real-time PCR primer sequence: NHPH_16S_F: CAAGTCGAACGATGAAGCCTA This paper N/A
NHPH 16S rRNA gene targeting probe-based real-time PCR primer sequence: NHPH_16S_R:
This paper N/A
NHPH 16S rRNA gene targeting probe-based real-time PCR probe sequence: NHPH_16S_probe: 56-FAM/TTACTCACC/
This paper
H. pylori 651 bp DNA fragment of the 23S rRNA gene targeting colony PCR primer sequence: F3: CCGTAGCGAAAGCGAGTCT This paper N/A
H. pylori 651 bp DNA fragment of the 23S rRNA gene targeting colony PCR primer sequence: R3: CCCGACTAACCCTACGATGA This paper N/A

Software and algorithms

ClustalW ver. 2.1 Open source
Shovill v1.1.0. Open source
Roary version 3.13.0 Open source
RAxML-NG v. 1.1 Open source
pyani 0.2.12 Open source
GraphPad Prism 9.4.1 GraphPad Software


H. suis hsvA targeting probe-based real-time PCR protocol Rimbara et al.9 N/A
NHPH 16S rRNA gene targeting probe-based real-time PCR protocol This paper N/A
H. pylori 651 bp DNA fragment of the 23S rRNA gene targeting colony PCR protocol This paper N/A