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. 2023 Apr 14;11:991821. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.991821


Overview of bioinks used for dental alveolar tissue regeneration with their effects.

Tissue Matrix Cell source Construct type Printer and printing type Effects References
Dental pulp Alginate/GelMA hDPSCs (Cells seeded) -Printed constructs -Bioplotter Envision Tec Printed constructs > hydrogel scaffolds. Higher cell attachment, and proliferation. Higher mineralization (Calcium up/ALP up) Yu et al. (2019)
Alginate/GelMA -Hydrogel scaffolds -Extrusion printing
Dental pulp GelMA-MTA hDPSCs (Cells seeded) Printed construct -Rokit Healthcare IN VIVO printer GelMA-MTA increases mineralization ALP, DSPP, DMP-1 up Choi et al. (2022)
GelMA -extrusion printing
Dental pulp fibrinogen/gelatin/hyaluronic acid/glycerol with [fibrinogen] 5–20 mg/mL hDPSCs (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs -ITOP system Spatial differentiation (undifferentiated in central pulp area and dentin deposition in outer area) Han et al. (2018)
-extrusion bioprinting
Dental pulp −0.2% Collagen type I/0.5% agarose hDPSCs/HUVECs (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs in bovine root canal (hand-held bioprinter) -DropGun Black Drop Biodrucker Vascularized dental pulp with the three bioinks. (Collagen/agarose bioink has better mechanical properties) Duarte Campos et al. (2020)
−0.5% fibrin −0.3% Collagen type I -inkjet bioprinting
Dentin PCL/45S5 bioglass hDPSCs (Cells seeded) Printed constructs -3DPL bioprinter N2 PCL/bioglass induced dentin formation DSPP, OCN, DMP-1 up Mousavi Nejad et al. (2021)
PCL/Hyaluronic acid -extrusion printing PCL/Hyaluronic acid induced dental pulp formation
Dentin Collagen type I/hydroxyapatite/alginate hMSCs (Cells seeded) Printed constructs -CELLINK bioprinter Biox Constructs mimic natural dentin. Pores size 2–4 μm. Good cell attachment and proliferation Naseri et al. (2021)
-extrusion printing
Dentin Fibrinogen/gelatin/10% DDM particles hDPSCs (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs -ITOP system Mineralization increases with increase [DDM] DSPP, DMP-1 up Han et al. (2021)
-extrusion bioprinting
Dentin Alginate/dentin matrix extract (10 and 100 mg/mL) SCAPs (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs -Hyrel 3D printer Optimized printing parameters. Good cell viability. ALP, RUNX2 up Athirasala et al. (2018)
-extrusion bioprinting
Periodontal ligament PCL/Hydroxyapatite (+ PLGA microspheres with amelogenin or CTGF or BMP2) hDPSCs (Cells seeded) Multi-phasic scaffolds (with A, B, C areas) -Bioplotter Envision Tec Spatial cell differentiation. Formation of dentin-cementum, PDL, and alveolar bone Lee et al. (2014)
-Extrusion printing
Periodontal ligament PCL/PGA hGFs, hPDLSCs (Cells seeded in A, B areas, respectively) Multi-phasic scaffolds (with A, B areas) -SolidScape printer Model Maker II Spatial cell differentiation. Formation of cementum, ligament (with oriented fibers), and bone Park et al. (2010)
-Extrusion printing
Periodontal ligament PCL/4% hydroxyapatite No cells, but PDGF Printed scaffold implanted in human -Formiga P100 No inflammation, no problem for 1 year. At 13 months, dehiscence and wound failure. Scaffold was removed Rasperini et al. (2015)
-selective laser sintering
Periodontal ligament GelMA 12.5% hPDLSCs (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs -Gesim Bioscaffolder 3.1 Optimized printing parameters. Good cell viability and proliferation Raveendran et al. (2019)
-inkjet bioprinting
Gingiva 4% alginate/8% gelatin/(10, 30, 50%) platelet rich fibrin hGFs Bioprinted constructs -Medprin bioprinter 2.0 Optimized printing parameters. Good cell viability and proliferation Yi et al. (2022)
(Cells encapsulated) Implanted 4, 8 Wks in nude mice subcutaneously -Extrusion bioprinting Host cell infiltration Neovascularization
Alveolar bone Agarose/Collagen type I (with low, medium, high stiffness) hMSCs (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs -custom-made bioprinter Higher osteogenic differentiation in low stiffness bioink Alizarin red staining, ALP, COL1, RUNX2 up Duarte Campos et al. (2016)
-Inkjet bioprinting
Alveolar bone BMP2 peptide-conjugated GelMA hDPSCs (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs -ITOP system Good cell viability and proliferation. High calcifi-cation. DSPP, OCN up Park et al. (2020)
-extrusion bioprinting
Alveolar bone Collagen type I 5%/bone dECM 5%/β-TCP 20% hDPSCs (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs -three axis DASA Robot system Osteogenic and odontogenic differentiation. ALP, OCN, OPN up DSPP, DMP-1 up Kim et al. (2022)
-Extrusion bioprinting
Alveolar bone GelMA/HAMA IDG-SW3 (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs -Bioplotter Envision Tec After 28 days culture, high DMP-1 and calcium deposition. Cx43, Sost, Phex up, high dendrite density Yang et al. (2020)
GelMA/HAMA/Collagen type I -Extrusion printing
Alveolar bone SrCS (strontium calcium silicate) hMSCs (Cells seeded) Printed constructs -Gesim Bioscasffolder 3.1 Higher cell attachment, proliferation, differentiation with Sr. ALP, BSP, OPG, OC up Chiu et al. (2019)
-inkjet bioprinting
Alveolar bone Collagen/SrCS (bilayers) hGFs (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs Implanted 12 Wks in rabbit subcutaneously -Gesim Bioscasffolder 3.1 Promotes FGF2, BMP2, VEGF secretion. Bone formation around and in the construct (bilayers), around only (single layer) Chen-Ying Wang et al. (2021)
SrCS (single layer) -inkjet bioprinting
Alveolar bone Octapeptide/amorphous Mg phosphate hDPSCs (Cells encapsulated) Bioprinted constructs -RegenHU printer Promotes osteogenic differentiation. High mineralization. Increases bone formation and bone density Dubey et al. (2020)
Implanted 4, 8 Wks in rats calvarial defects -inkjet bioprinting