CD155low-expressing antigen-presenting cells in GCA
CD14+ cells isolated from the peripheral blood of patients with GCA and age-matched controls were differentiated into monocyte-derived Mφs and stimulated with LPS/IFN-γ.
(A and B) Flow cytometric analysis of CD155 on Mφs from a patient with GCA (A; n = 12) or GPA as a disease control (B; n = 5). Representative histograms and MFI are shown.
(C) Comparison of CD155 expression on Mφs from 7 untreated patients with GCA, 6 corticosteroid-treated patients with GCA, and 7 age-matched controls. Individual MFIs are shown.
(D) Dual-color immunofluorescence staining of tissue sections for CD68 (green) and the checkpoint ligand CD155 (red). Nuclei marked with DAPI (blue). Temporal arteries were collected from patients with GCA and sinonasal biopsies from patients with GPA. Frequencies of CD68+ CD155high Mφs were counted in 50 distinct tissue regions. Representative data from 5 tissues. Scale bar: 20 μm.
(E) Immunoblotting of total cell CD155 protein in control and GCA Mφs. β-Actin served as loading control. Bar graph shows protein quantification in individual patients and controls.
(F) Monocyte-derived Mφs were induced from patients with GCA and age-matched controls, and CD155 mRNA transcripts were quantified by RT-PCR. Data from 12 patients and 12 controls.
Mean ± SEM with individual values shown. (A, B, and E) Two-tailed unpaired t test. (C) One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple-comparisons test. (F) Mann-Whitney test. ∗∗∗p < 0.001, n.s., not significant.