Figure 2.
Orthology analyses of genes encoding only C-type lectin-like domains (CTLs). (A): Orthology analysis of CTLs across the analyzed metazoan species. The heatmap displays all CTL orthology groups and the degree of conservation between all species for each one. The PCA distributes all species according to the similarity of their CTL repertoires based on the orthology relationships displayed above. The color legend is indicated in the heatmap. Certain fragmentation could be observed, indicating lineage-specific repertoires with orthology relationships only between close species, particularly in bivalves (highlighted). (B): The same results are shown for a phylum-level orthology analysis performed only with mollusk species. General conservation across all mollusks is highlighted in black, while clear clusterization is shown for some groups of species, particularly Mytilidae, Ostreidae, and Pectinidae bivalves and cephalopods, indicating conserved linage-specific CTL repertoires.