Subdistrict A | Subdistrict B | Subdistrict C | Subdistrict D | Subdistrict E b | |
Approximate catchment area population, No. | 95,000 | 37,500 | 95,000 | 93,200 | 14,400 |
Annual births,c No. | 1,741 | 506 | 1,360 | 1,751 | 89 |
Perinatal mortality ratec,d | 11.6 | 6.0 | 14.8 | 17.0 | 0.0 |
Facilities in subdistrictc |
District hospital 5 PHC facilities |
District hospital 5 PHC facilities |
District hospital 3 PHC facilities |
District hospital 5 PHC facilities |
District hospital 2 PHC facilities |
PPIP region | Region 1 | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 2 | Region 2 |
Abbreviations: PHC, primary health care; PPIP, Perinatal Problem Identification Program.
a Population data from district reports; births and perinatal mortality rate from PPIP database (accessed March 4, 2022); facility data based on fieldwork observations.
b Classified by the Provincial Department of Health as a “district hospital”34 but does not provide surgical services and refers deliveries to another district hospital.
c 2019 data.
d Per 1,000 live births.