Identification and reporting: How do people identify and report deaths? |
People identify and report deaths on regular bases because they have a standard reporting system and PPIP regional focal points monitor data inputs. |
Standard reporting forms available.
Standard reporting software/mechanism available (PPIP software).
Follow-up by PPIP coordinators at provincial and regional levels to ensure data is collected and submitted.
Different reporting forms used after a death.
Information officer responsible for PPIP data collection, capturing, and reporting working with doctors and operational manager (C, D, E).
PPIP data collection, capturing, and reporting rely on clinicians, the nursing manager, and operational managers (A, B).
Reviewing deaths: How do people review deaths? |
Review meetings take place regularly as part of national requirements with multidisciplinary engagement, although the meeting process varied between cases. |
Facilities are required to do a minimum number of review meetings each year (10), and perinatal-focused meetings are counted towards this requirement.
Multidisciplinary engagement.
Outreach specialist (obstetrician or pediatrician) attends review meeting.
Meetings are scheduled monthly (A, B).
Ad hoc review meetings (C).
Multiple meetings related to review process (D).
Facilitation by hospital staff (C, D, E).
Outreach specialist facilitates meeting (A, B).
Outreach specialist attends and contributes during the meeting (C, D).
Analysis and recommendations: How do people analyze data and make recommendations after perinatal death? |
Data analysis and use for decision-making varied between cases but all data is used for planning at provincial level. |
Involvement of managers and clinical specialists (obstetricians, pediatricians, and/or family physicians) in review meeting to analyze cases and identify relevant and feasible recommendations.
Regional PPIP focal person conducts analysis of data for the region and makes recommendations to provincial level during biannual meeting.
Data analysis by information officer (C, D, E).
PPIP data used at M&E subdistrict meeting to make recommendations (C).
PPIP data used at the quarterly M&E district meeting for health system planning (C, D, E).
Response and actions: How do people respond to the recommendations and take actions forward after perinatal death? |
Subdistrict management teams oversee response and actions. Feedback loops for sharing information are in place. |
No formal follow-up (A, B).
Formal follow-up by QA manager (C, D).
PPIP data used at the M&E district meeting for health system planning (C, D, E) and M&E subdistrict meeting (C).