Table 2.
Overview of the physicochemical characteristics of draw agents utilized in FO applications.
Type of Membrane | Type of Draw Agent | Concentration | Osmotic Pressure | Configuration | FO Performance | Regeneration Methods | Application | Advantages | Disadvantages | Reference | |
Jw; LMH | Js; gMH | ||||||||||
CA | Polyacrylic acid sodium salt (PAA-Na (Mw = 1200)) | 0.72 g/mL | 44 atm | AL–DS | 22 | 0.17 | UF | Wastewater treatment | High water flux, low RSF, and high water solubility | High viscosity, low solute diffusion, expensive precursors, and UF requires energy | [10] |
CTA | Sodium alginate sulfonate | 600 gNaLS/kg | 78 bar | AL–FS AL–DS |
8.5 15 |
12.3 27 |
NF | Desert Restoration | High osmotic pressure | Limited applications and relatively low water flux | [11] |
TFC | Na3PO4 | 0.2 M | 580 mOsm/kg | AL–FS AL–DS |
9.02 16.2 |
0.95 1.3 |
MD | Activated sludge | Low RSF and high water solubility | Relatively low FO performances, complicated and energy-intensive recovery | [22] |
CTA | EDTA sodium (pH = 8) | 0.8 M | — | AL–DS | 12.9 | 0.32 | NF | Sludge dewatering | Low energy consumption, high water flux, and low RSF | Expensive solute and low solute rejection with NF recovery | [25] |
CTA–non-woven | MgCl2 | 1 M | — | AL–FS | 6.3 | — | — | Secondary treated effluents | High water flux and high rejection for nutrients up to 97% | High viscosity, high ICP, low diffusion coefficient, and contain scale precursor ions () | [26] |
CTA–woven | Triethylenetetramine hexapropionic acid sodium (TTHP-Na (pH = 8)) | 0.5 g/mL | 165 bar | AL–FS AL–DS |
12.87 23.07 |
0.7 0.75 |
NF | Dye wastewater treatment | High osmotic pressure and average water flux | NF requires energy | [47] |
CTA | KHCO3 | 1.4 M | 2.8 MPa | AL–FS | 5.54 | 1.2 | RO | Desalination | Low RSF | Limited applications, and contain scale precursor ions () and not easily recovered by RO | [102] |
CTA | KBr | 0.6 M | 2.8 MPa | AL–FS | 10.22 | 22 | RO | Desalination | — | Very high RSF and high replenishment cost | [102] |
CTA–nylon mesh | NH4HCO3 | 3.6 M | — | AL–FS AL–DS |
7 9 |
— | Moderate heating | Desalination | High osmotic pressure capable of desalinating seawater and high FO performances | Low solubility and ammonia smell in water, high RSF, contain scale precursor ions (), high replenishment cost, and not thermally stable | [105] |
CTA–polyester screen | NaCl | 0.6 M | 27.44 bar | AL–FS | 6.3 | 7.25 | — | Desalination | High osmotic pressure, high solubility, low viscosity, and low cost | High RSF and high fouling tendency | [106] |
CTA–polyester screen | NaHCO3 | 0.72 M | 26.91 bar | AL–FS | 5.81 | 2.85 | — | Desalination | Low cost | Low water solubility and contain scale precursor ions () | [106] |
CTA | KCl | 2 M | 89.3 bar | AL–FS | 15.2 | 26.8 | Direct fertigation | Fertilizer | High osmotic pressure, high solubility, low viscosity, and low cost | High RSF and high fouling tendency | [107] |
TFC–polyamide | NH4Cl | 0.5 M | 21.881 atm | AL–FS AL–DS |
9.87 15.37 |
— | — | Desalination | Diluted draw solution could be directly used in irrigation | High RSF | [108] |
TFC–polyamide | NaNO3 | 0.5 M | 21.3 atm | AL–FS AL–DS |
7.97 14.26 |
— | — | Desalination | Diluted draw solution could be directly used in irrigation | High RSF and high biofouling tendency | [108] |
TFC–polyamide | KNO3 | 0.5 M | 20.125 atm | AL–FS AL–DS |
9 13.83 |
— | — | Desalination | Diluted draw solution could be directly used in irrigation | High RSF, high biofouling tendency, toxic and energy-intensive | [108] |
TFC–polyamide | NH4NO3 | 0.5 M | 17.764 atm | AL–FS AL–DS |
7.9 11.88 |
— | — | Desalination | Diluted draw solution could be directly used in irrigation | High RSF and contain scale precursor ions () | [108] |
TFC–polyamide | Ca(NO3)2 | 0.5 M | 26.491 atm | AL–FS AL–DS |
8.21 15.41 |
— | — | Desalination | Diluted draw solution could be directly used in irrigation | Contain scale precursor ions (), high replenishment cost, and poor water extraction capacity | [108] |
TFC–polyamide | CaCl2 | 0.5 M | 34.983 atm | AL–FS AL–DS |
8.8 16.32 |
— | — | Desalination | High water flux and diluted draw solution could be directly used in irrigation | High RSF and contains scale precursor ions () | [108] |
TFC | Na2SO4 | 1 M | — | AL–FS AL–DS |
15.7 23.26 |
4.9 7.1 |
— | Desalination | High water flux | High RSF and contain scale precursor ions () | [109] |
TFC–polyamide | MgSO4 | 1 M | — | AL–FS | 11 | 1.32 | Direct fertigation | Fertilizer | Higher diffusivity and does not require energy for recovery | Low FO performances, high viscosity, low water solubility, contain scale precursor ions () and reaction products are toxic and expensive reagents | [110] |
TFC–polyamide | Mg(NO3)2 | 1 M | 84 bar | AL–FS | 30.8 | 24.18 | Direct fertigation | Fertilizer | High osmotic pressure, high water flux, and does not require energy for recovery | High RSF | [110] |
CA–polyester woven | (NH4)2SO4 | 2 M | 92.1 atm | AL–FS | 19.41 | 2.6 | Direct fertigation | Fertilizer | High osmotic pressure and does not require energy for recovery | Contains scale precursor ions () and high replenishment cost | [111] |
CA–polyester woven | NH4H2PO4 | 2 M | 86.3 atm | AL–FS | 16.65 | 28.7 | Direct fertigation | Fertilizer | Diluted draw solution could be directly used | Low water flux and high biofouling tendency | [111] |
CA–polyester woven | (NH4)2HPO4 | 2 M | 95 atm | AL–FS | 14.01 | 4.6 | Direct fertigation | Fertilizer | Diluted draw solution could be directly used | Low water flux and high biofouling tendency | [111] |
CTA | NaH2PO4 | 22 g/L | 23.73 bar | AL–FS | 2.63 | 0.12 | Direct fertigation | Fertilizer | Low RSF and does not require energy for recovery | Low water flux | [112] |
CA | Sucrose | 1 M | 26.7 atm | AL–FS | 12.9 | — | NF | Wastewater treatment | Large molecule and high water solubility | Low osmotic pressure, low water flux, NF requires energy and relatively low FO performances | [113] |
CA | Glucose | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | Large molecule and high water solubility | Low osmotic pressure, high ICP effect, and used only for emergency water supply | [114] |
TFC | Poly(maleic acid) sodium (PMAS) | 0.5 mol/kg | 143 bar | AL–FS AL–DS |
23.5 30.6 |
0.6 0.68 |
NF | Desalination | High osmotic pressure, big molecular size, high FO performance, and negligible RSF | NF requires energy | [115] |
TFC–polyamide | Cobaltic complex (Na-Co-CA) | 1 M | — | AL–FS | 11.5 | — | MD or NF | Heavy metal wastewater treatment | High osmotic pressure, high water flux, low RSF, low replenishment cost, minimize TDS in FS, and efficiency of waste water treatment | Recovery requires energy | [116] |
CA | Cu complex (Cu-CA) | 1 M | — | AL–FS AL–DS |
8.53 15.16 |
0.08 0.11 |
— | Seawater desalination | High FO performance and negligible RSF | Complicated preparation | [117] |
CA | Fe complex (Fe-CA) | 1 M | — | AL–FS AL–DS |
10.78 21 |
0.12 0.14 |
— | Seawater desalination | High FO performance and negligible RSF | Complicated preparation | [117] |
TFC | Poly(aspartic acid sodium salt) (PAsp-Na) | 0.3 g/mL | 51.5 atm | AL–FS AL–DS |
8.13 16.62 |
1.64 2.28 |
MD and NF | Wastewater reclamation Brackish water desalination | Low RSF, inhibits the scaling formation, and nontoxic | Average FO performances and recovery require energy | [118] |
TFC | Polyamidoamine with terminal carboxyl groups (PAMAM-COONa (2.5 G)) | 0.5 g/mL | 3603 mOsm/kg | AL–DS | 29.7 | 7.5 | MD | Wastewater treatment and protein enrichment | High osmotic pressure, low viscosity, relatively large molecular size, and low RSF | Low water flux tested only in AL–DS mode and not feasible | [119] |
TFC | Poly(sodium4-styrene sulfonate) (PSS (Mw = 1200)) | 0.24 g/mL | — | AL–DS | 18.2 | 5.5 | UF | — | High osmotic pressure, low viscosity and high water flux | High RSF, lower diffusion coefficient, more severe CP, 40% water flux reduces after the regeneration and requires energy for UF | [120] |
CTA | Poly(isobutylene-alt-maleic acid) sodium salt (PIMA-Na) | 0.375 g/mL | — | AL–DS | 34 | 0.196 | MD | Seawater desalination | Low RSF and nontoxic | Relatively low FO performances, high viscosity, and low water flux when tested with seawater | [121] |
CTA | Thermo-responsive PNIPAM/γ-PGA/PEG hydrogel | — | — | AL–FS | 1.99 | — | Heat in a water bath at 40 °C | Desalination | Low energy consumption and negligible RSF | Poor water flux | [122] |
CTA-polyester mesh | Electric-responsive HA/PVA hydrogel (6 V) | — | — | AL–FS | 25.49 | — | Electric field at 6 V | Desalination | High water flux, negligible RSF, and more safe and efficient when regenerating drinking water | ___ | [123] |