Figure 5.
Matrix of dual co-detections among patients of group 3 at M3. The matrix represents dual co-detections among the 63 patients of group 3 (20 viral species screened) with at least one virus detected at M3. Each number represents the number of patients for whom the two viruses were detected (other viral species possibly co-detected are not shown). Abbreviations: CMV: cytomegalovirus; HHV-6: human herpes virus 6; HHV-7: human herpes virus 7; JCPyV: JC polyomavirus; BKPyV: BK polyomavirus; MCPyV: Merkel cell polyomavirus; HPyV6: human polyomavirus 6; HPyV7: human polyomavirus 7; B19V: parvovirus B19; TTV: torque teno virus; HPgV-1: human pegivirus 1.