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. 2023 Apr 18;12(8):2950. doi: 10.3390/jcm12082950

Table 3.

Results of sensitivity analysis.

Measurement ITT Based Primary Analysis (NControl = 24, NURT = 23, NBRT = 24) PP Based Analysis *
(NControl = 23, NURT = 20, NBRT = 24)
ITT, MI with Chained Equations § (NControl = 24, NURT = 23, NBRT = 24)
Estimates of Treatment Effects (95%CI)/OR (95%CI) p Value Estimates of Treatment Effects (95%CI)/OR (95%CI) p Value Estimates of Treatment Effects (95%CI)/OR (95%CI) p Value
Primary Outcome
Control 6.26 (3.70–8.82) 0.017 6.53 (3.89–9.17) 0.022 - -
URT 7.44 (5.04–9.83) 7.38 (4.68–10.09) -
BRT 12.88 (9.21–16.54) 12.90 (9.25–16.56) -
Secondary Outcomes
Control 8.48 (4.56–12.41) 0.008 8.97 (4.93–13.01) 0.014 - -
URT 10.07 (7.31–12.84) 10.07 (7.01–13.12) -
BRT 15.68 (12.55–18.80) 15.68 (12.56–18.79) -
RMS_biceps brachii bundle
Control 36.99 (13.04–60.94) 0.755 40.12 (16.34–63.91) 0.824 36.96 (12.96–60.96) 0.491
URT 32.01 (4.26–59.77) 34.01 (4.97–63.04) 29.60 (4.08–55.13)
BRT 47.01 (18.79–75.23) 47.00 (18.75–75.26) 47.01 (18.80–75.22)
RMS_anterior deltoid bundle
Control 30.05 (8.25–51.86) 0.006 30.69 (7.92–53.46) 0.006 30.15 (8.36–51.94) 0.001
URT 38.33 (15.31–61.35) 39.60 (15.62–63.58) 41.53 (20.10–62.97)
BRT 117.07 (70.73–163.40) 116.66 (70.45–162.87) 117.14 (70.82–163.45)
RMS_middle deltoid
Control 47.42 (6.37–88.47) 0.275 50.24 (7.76–92.72) 0.358 47.61 (6.68–88.55) 0.205
URT 88.94 (33.81–144.07) 86.04 (28.50–143.58) 90.55 (39.38–141.71)
BRT 95.23 (49.71–140.75) 95.04 (49.58–140.50) 95.44 (49.99–140.90)
RMS_triceps brachii bundle
Control 52.42 (18.58–86.26) 0.635 54.89 (20.00–89.77) 0.505 52.31 (18.44–86.19) 0.493
URT 36.59 (8.74–64.45) 33.00 (4.71–61.29) 35.31 (10.14–60.48)
BRT 35.02 (10.98–59.06) 34.91 (10.83–58.99) 34.94 (10.91–58.97)
iEMG_biceps brachii bundle
Control 28.13 (8.68–47.58) 0.863 30.54 (11.15–49.92) 0.915 28.10 (8.60–47.61) 0.545
URT 25.15 (2.57–47.73) 26.99 (3.39–50.60) 23.51 (2.83–44.20)
BRT 34.56 (9.02–60.09) 34.56 (8.99–60.12) 34.55 (9.03–60.07)
iEMG_anterior deltoid bundle
Control 21.69 (4.10–39.27) 0.002 22.31 (3.92–40.70) 0.003 21.15 (4.07–38.23) 0.000
URT 19.97 (−2.91–42.86) 20.43 (−3.35–44.21) 23.43 (1.23–45.63)
BRT 91.61 (56.68–126.53) 91.07 (56.10–126.03) 91.58 (56.69–126.48)
iEMG_middle deltoid
Control 36.79 (−2.98–76.56) 0.163 39.40 (6.43–72.36) 0.398 37.10 (5.37–68.84) 0.306
URT 47.34 (22.54–72.13) 68.77 (25.29–112.25) 73.46 (35.29–111.63)
BRT 87.90 (40.29–135.52) 69.60 (35.64–103.56) 69.65 (35.61–103.69)
iEMG_triceps brachii bundle
Control 38.06 (6.65–69.48) 0.901 41.60 (18.52–64.69) 0.499 39.62 (17.32–61.92) 0.636
URT 29.96 (3.72–56.19) 26.16 (5.56–46.76) 28.90 (9.89–47.92)
BRT 30.60 (7.39–53.82) 27.13 (8.79–45.46) 27.00 (8.83–45.17)
MEP (response)
Control Reference Reference Reference
URT 0.29–15.25 0.54 1.10 (0.17–7.20) 0.9 1.82 (0.36–10.62) 0.48
BRT 0.93–39.81 0.08 3.67 (0.81–20.50) 0.1 4.00 (0.90–22.21) 0.08

* Per-protocol-based analysis included only patients who completed the study according to the intervention protocol specified at randomization entry; patients who did not receive or complete the study process according to the established protocol were excluded from the analysis. § Based on multiple interpolations using chained equations, assuming missing data at random. The interpolation model included all outcomes and the following predictor variables: sex, age, type of stroke, side of stroke, and length of stroke (week). BRT, bilateral robotic training; CI credit interval; FMA–UE, Fugl-Meyer Assessment-Upper Extremities; iEMG, integrated electromyographic; ITT, intention-to-treat; MBI, Modified Barthel Index; MEP, Motor Evoked Potential; MI, multiple imputations; PP, per protocol; RMS, root mean square; SD, standard deviation; URT, unilateral robotic training.