Distribution of fracture types in pediatric orthopedics patients from 2006 to 2021. Legend: DMER (34, 3.01%) consists of FF (2 cases), WB (3 cases), FIRF (5 cases), GSF (5 cases), MF (9 cases), PAF (2 cases), and PEF (8 cases). clavicle fracture (CLF), growing skull fracture (GSF), humerus fracture (HF), ulna fracture (UF), radius fracture (RAF), fracture of radius and ulna (RULF), phalanx fracture (PF), pelvic fracture (PEF), femur fracture (FEF), patella fracture (PAF), fibula fracture (FIRF), metacarpal fracture (MF), tibial fracture (TIBF), tibia and fibula fracture (TAFF), foot fracture (FF), and whole-body fracture (WB).