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. 2022 Aug 25;192(1):51–61. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwac156

Table 2.

Distribution of Short Sleep Durationa Across Developmental Periodsb According to Race/Ethnicity and Sex/Gender From Waves I, III, IV, and V of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, United States, 1994–2018

Race/Ethnicity and Sex/Gender
 (n = 12,593)
Black Female (n = 1,525) Black Male  
 (n = 1,573)
Latinx Female  
 (n = 1,126)
Latinx Male  
 (n = 1,302)
White Female  
 (n = 3,236)
White Male  
 (n = 3,831)
Short Sleep Duration and Developmental Period No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Developmental period
 Early adolescence 3,283 26.1 443 29.0 432 27.5 236 21.0 253 19.4 955 29.5 964 25.1
 Adolescence 10,111 80.3 1,201 78.8 1,221 77.6 934 82.9 1,112 85.4 2,561 79.1 3,073 80.2
 Emerging adulthood 7,018 55.7 852 55.7 780 49.6 578 51.3 670 51.5 1,951 60.3 2,187 57.1
 Young adulthood 8,911 70.8 1,132 74.2 934 59.4 762 67.7 806 61.9 2,476 76.5 2,741 71.5
 Adulthood 6,938 55.1 880 57.7 613 39.0 614 54.5 533 40.9 2,142 66.2 2,146 56.0
Short sleep duration
 Early adolescence 975 29.7 174 39.3 158 36.6 72 30.5 76 30.0 278 29.1 217 22.5
 Adolescence 4,728 46.8 612 51.0 625 51.2 476 50.5 485 43.6 1,222 47.7 1,308 42.6
 Emerging adulthood 2,202 31.4 270 31.7 309 39.6 159 27.5 231 34.5 501 25.7 732 33.5
 Young adulthood 2,721 30.5 380 33.6 471 47.4 190 24.9 275 34.1 548 22.1 857 31.3
 Adulthood 3,197 46.1 522 59.3 387 63.1 286 46.6 256 48.0 844 39.2 902 42.0

a Defined as <9 hours for ages 6–12 years, <8 hours for ages 13–17 years, and <7 for ages 18 years or older based on the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommendation for amount of sleep according to age.

b Developmental periods include early adolescence (11–14 years), adolescence (15–19 years), emerging adulthood (20–24 years), young adulthood (25–34 years), and adulthood (35–44 years).