Figure 5.
Innate immune responses to EV infection in the exocrine pancreas of SPIDDM and non-diabetic controls. (a–d) Triple immunostaining for MDA5 (a) VP1 (b), and 2Apro (c) shows exocrine acinar cells changed to ADM in SPIDDM (Case SP7). Merged image (d) shows that VP1-positive (b, red) and 2Apro-positive cells (c, blue) show weak staining for MDA5 (a, green), in accordance with the concept that 2Apro suppressed MDA5 expression in the same acinar cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. (e–h) Triple immunostaining for IFN-β1 (e), VP1 (f), and 2Apro (g) of exocrine acinar cells changed to ADM. Merged image (h) of (e–g) shows that VP1 (red) is located in the perinuclear area and INF-β1 (blue, arrowheads) cytoplasm in EV-infected acinar cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. (i,j) VP1- and 2Apro-positive area in the exocrine pancreas of SPIDDM and VP1-positive non-diabetic control (NDC) are higher than those of VP1-negative NDC. Numbers in the parenthesis indicate counted exocrine area. One-way analysis of variance with Tukey analysis was used. (k,l) MDA5- and IFN-β1-positive area in the exocrine pancreas of SPIDDM and VP1-positive non-diabetic control (NDC) are higher than those of VP1-negative NDC. Numbers in the parenthesis indicate counted exocrine area. One-way analysis of variance with Tukey analysis was used.