01_ImageData |
MRI_T1_d.nrrd |
T1-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI) |
MRI_T2_d.nrrd |
T2-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI) |
625_STDCT_Registered.nrrd |
Computed tomography (CT) registered to MRI |
tensors_dwi_crl.nrrd |
Diffusion tensor image (DTI) |
02_SkullStripping |
MRI_T1_cropped.nrrd |
Source MRI after skull stripping |
MRI_T1_mask.nrrd |
Brain mask image with segmented brain parenchyma |
03_SurfaceGeometry |
sModel.stl |
Patient-specific brain surface obtained using marching cubes |
sMesh.stl |
Patient-specific brain surface after uniform triangulation |
04_Electrodes |
Electrode_segmentation.seg.nrrd |
Segments representing the position of electrodes in CT image |
origElectrodes.fcsv |
3D points (fiducials) representing the original position of extracted electrodes in the CT image |
projElectrodes.fcsv |
3D points (fiducials) representing the projected position of electrodes with respect to the undeformed brain surface extracted from T1-weighted MRI |
origCentroids.txt |
Coordinates of extracted electrodes in CT image |
projCentroids.txt |
Coordinates of projected electrodes with respect to the undeformed brain surface extracted from T1-weighted MRI |
electrode_sheet.stl |
Electrode sheet model for selecting loaded nodes |
sheet_orig_lps.stl |
Electrode sheet model with original electrode locations |
sheet_proj_lps.stl |
Electrode sheet model with projected electrode locations |
05_TetrahedralGrid |
vMesh.vtk |
Patient-specific tetrahedral grid |
allBrainNodes.fcsv |
Coordinates of selected nodes under electrode sheet with respect to undeformed brain geometry |
mesh.inp |
Patient-specific tetrahedral grid, including surface and node set definitions |
06_MaterialProperties |
mtled_create_ipt.ini |
ExplicitSim input file to create integration points file |
ipt.txt |
List of integration points used to assign material properties generated by ExplicitSim |
mat.txt |
Material properties assigned to integration points |
07_MTLED |
mtled_solve.ini |
ExplicitSim input file to run MTLED solver |
load.txt |
Displacement data for prescribed displacement loading of the selected brain surface nodes under the electrode sheet |
output/animation_brain.pvd |
ParaView data file for animation of the computed displacement field |
output/brain[0-7].vtu |
Simulation output at sequential time steps |
08_Transform |
warp.nrrd |
Transform used for image warping |
MRI_T1_warped.nrrd |
Warped T1-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI) |
tensors_dwi_crl_warped.nrrd |
Warped diffusion tensor image (DTI) |
09_Segmentation |
unwarpedstaple/seg_brain_crl.nrrd |
Unwarped brain segmentation obtained using STAPLE |
unwarped/seg.nrrd |
Unwarped brain segmentation obtained using DTI-based tissue classification |
warped/seg.nrrd |
Warped brain segmentation obtained using DTI-based tissue classification |
10_Fusion |
ColorTable.ctbl |
3D Slicer color table for tissue class segments |
segments/csf.nrrd |
Segment of CSF |
segments/scalp.nrrd |
Segment of scalp |
segments/sheet_orig.nrrd |
Segment of electrode sheet in original position |
segments/sheet_proj.nrrd |
Segment of electrode sheet in projected position |
segments/skull.nrrd |
Segment of skull |
labelmap.nrrd |
Unwarped, projected and warped head label map |
mask.nrrd |
Unwarped, projected and warped head mask |
11_Conductivity |
cond.nrrd |
Conductivity tensor image |
12_HexahedralGrid |
mesh.mesh.gz |
MFEM compressed mesh file |
cond.gf.gz |
MFEM conductivity tensor component grid function files (cond.gf.gz) |
13_Results |
results_paraview.pvd |
Results files of electrocorticography forward problem solutions |