The binding modes of carbapenem-derived products to L1. Views from the active sites, with Zn ions shown as gray spheres. A, overlay of doripenem- (green) and tebipenem-derived (cyan) complex views. B, the panipenem-derived complex retains a Zn-bridging water/hydroxide (Wat, red sphere). C, schematic of “binding mode 1” in which the C-6 carboxylate of the carbapenem-derived product displaces the Zn-bridging hydroxide. D, “binding mode 2” in which the C-6 hydroxyethyl group interacts with the Zn-bridging hydroxide. E, overlays of derived products in binding mode one for tebipenem (cyan), doripenem (green), and ertapenem (PDB 7O0O (43), yellow) complexed to L1 and meropenem (PDB 6UAH (46), grey) to L1c. F, overlays of derived products in binding mode 2: L1:panipenem (purple), L1:faropenem (PDB 7A63 (47), gold), and L1c:imipenem (PDB 6UAF (46), lime).