Fig. 4. Phylogeny of other major viral families identified in this study.
a Picornaviridae, b Paramyxoviridae, c Astroviridae, d Arenaviridae, e Arteriviridae, f Hantaviridae, g Bornaviridae, and h Caliciviridae. Phylogeny of a Picornaviridae, d Arenaviridae, e Arteriviridae, f Hantaviridae, and g Bornaviridae based on the amino acid sequences of the replicase domain of RdRp. Phylogeny of b Paramyxoviridae, c Astroviridae, and h Caliciviridae based on the amino acid sequences of the Large protein, the capsid protein precursor and VP1, respectively. Numbers (>80) above branches are percentage bootstrap values for the major nodes. The scale bars depict the number of amino acid substitutions per site. Detailed trees are showed in Supplementary Fig. 3.