Figure 1.
All pulse sequences for the asymmetric spin echo (ASE) that are investigated in this study. Spatial resolution = 3.44 x 3.44 x 3.00 mm, Repetition time (TR)=4400ms and first echo time (TE1)=64 ms were common for all approaches. For dual-echo sequences, the second echo (TE2) was 107 ms. For vascular space occupancy ASE (VASO-ASE), TI=1039ms, the inversion time for nulling the steady-state longitudinal component of the blood water magnetization at the prescribed TR=4400 ms. Non-refocused dual-echo ASE (ASERF−) is shown in a) and is a common method for implementing ASE in clinical applications. Refocused dual-echo ASE (ASERF+) is shown in b) and adds a refocusing pulse between the first and second readout in ASE. Vascular space occupancy ASE (VASO-ASE) is shown in c) and adds an intravascular signal nulling pre-pulse to null intravascular blood water. Due to slice timing constraints and signal loss caused by the VASO pre-pulse, VASO-ASE is single slice and single-echo, while all other methods have two echoes and 13 slices.