Image registration pipeline for atlas construction: A) Template space: averaged DWI and FA images of the adult mouse brain. B) A matching brain slice from the Allen Mouse Brain atlas (AMBA). C) Coregistration of MR and AMBA images using a series of image registration steps: 1. landmark based rigid transformation, 2. intensity based affine transformation, and 3. intensity based large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM). D) After co-registration, structural labels of major brain compartments were transferred from AMBA (step ①) to the template space, manually edited (step ②), and a fine-tuned mapping between the template and AMBA was generated based on the labels of major brain compartments (step ③). E) The AMBA structural labels were mapped to the dMRI template using the fine-tuned mapping. F) Assessment of registration accuracy by placing landmarks manually in the template and AMBA images.