Overall structure of the gp105 concave tetramer. (A) Ribbon diagrams showing the structure of a gp105 monomer (molecule A) in the concave tetramer. The structure is colored as a rainbow from the N terminus (blue) to the C terminus (red). The N-terminal domain is colored from blue to cyan and the C-terminal domain is colored from green to red. The dashed lines represent unresolved loops. (B) Diagrams showing the topology of gp105. (C) Surface rendered representations and ribbon diagrams showing the overall structure of the concave tetramer. Left-top is the top view of the gp105 concave tetramer assembly, and the right-top is the front view of the gp105 concave tetramer. The structure is shown as a ribbon diagram with the N terminus and C terminus labeled. The map is contoured at 4.3 σ. Molecule A is colored cyan, molecule B is colored dark blue, molecule A’ is colored green, and molecule B’ is colored light blue. AB’ and A’B are the symmetry-related subunits.