Figure 1.
Functional characterization of DoBBSs. (a) Enzymatic reaction catalyzed by DoBBSs; (b) HPLC analysis (λ = 280 nm) of the reactions with (1) DoBBS1, (2) DoBBS2, (3) DoBBS3, (4) DoBBS4, (5) DoBBS5, (6) DoBBS6, (7) DoBBS7, (8) DoBBS8, (9) DoBBS9, (10) boiled DoBBS1; (c) MS spectra of products 1–3 at positive mode; (d) Relative activity of DoBBSs for the synthesis of 1−3. For each product, the relative activity of the reaction with the highest yield was set as 100%. The relative activity represents mean ± SD (n = 2).