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. 2023 Apr 17;11:1046683. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1046683

Table 2.

Characteristics of included publications.

Article Publication type Country of focus; World bank income level Content Population (Marginalized groups of focus)
Akhtar, 2020 (78) Editorial view Pakistan; Lower middle Discusses interventional pain services and shift to telemedicine Patients with CP who use opioids (Multiple; SES, geographic location, race/ethnicity)
Ayad, 2021 (79) Brief communication Global (United States, Armenia, Middle Eastern countries, Vietnam, Mexico, India, etc.) with focus on Egypt; Lower middle Reflections on the burden of CP and the opioid epidemic in developing countries Patients with CP who use opioids (Multiple; SES, geographic location)
Chan, 2020 (80) Commentary Singapore; High Discusses decisions and safeguards made at a tertiary pain center; recommendations to guide decision-making in pain management Patients with CP who use opioids (Elderly)
Cohen, 2020 (9) Expert opinion United States; High Framework for pain practitioners/institutions to balance the often conflicting goals of risk mitigation for healthcare providers, risk mitigation for patients, conservation of resources, and access to pain management services Patients with CP who use opioids (Multiple; Elderly, Disability)
Compton, 2022 (81) Review United States; High Review of pandemic-related stressors on problematic substance and opioid use and how COVID-19 infection and debilitation may worsen experiences of CP Patients with CP and OUD (SES, geographic location, race/ethnicity)
de Moraes, 2021 (82) Scoping Review Global (English-speaking countries, Latin countries); Mixed Recommendations on the workflow and management of patients with CP during the COVID-19 pandemic Patients with CP who use opioids (N = 13 studies) (Multiple; Race/ethnicity)
Dunn, 2021 (83) Original research United States; High RCT; evaluation of feasibility and acceptability of electronic and cellular-enabled pillbox to deliver split-doses of methadone for treatment of OUD among patients with persistent pain Patients with OUD and persistent pain who receive methadone (N = 25) (Multiple; Race/ethnicity, disability)
Edmond, 2021 (84) Original research United States; High Evaluation of adaptations made by interdisciplinary pain team to deliver services virtually, which include (1) individualized assessment of LTOT; (2) reduction or discontinuation of LTOT when benefits no longer outweigh the harms; (3) switch to buprenorphine if difficulty tapering or OUD emerges; (4) optimization of virtual treatment Patients with CP on LTOT (N = 29) (Race/ethnicity)
El-Tallawy, 2020 (85) Review United States; High Review of changes in healthcare delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic; provides guidance on pain management and concentrating available resources to help patients with most severe conditions and for most vulnerable groups Patients with CP who use opioids (Multiple; Elderly)
George, 2020 (86) Original research Singapore; High Discusses implementation of integrating a pain center with community healthcare teams to mitigate harmful effects of treatment disruption during the pandemic for vulnerable individuals with CP and comorbid conditions Vulnerable older patients with CP and multiple comorbidities who use opioids (Multiple; Elderly, disability)
Humphreys, 2022 (87) Review United States, Canada; High Empirically grounded analysis of the causes of, and solutions, to the opioid crisis, including proposed domestic solutions and attempts to stop international spread Patients with CP who use opioids (Multiple; SES, race/ethnicity)
Joyce, 2020 (88) Original research United States; High Details the effects of the early-stage COVID-19 pandemic on interventional pain physicians’ decision-making, practice patterns, and mental health Physicians who work with patients with CP and prescribe opioids (N = 260) (Geographic location, disability [High risk])
Katzman, 2021 (89) Commentary United States; High Reflections on how COVID-19 has highlighted multiple epidemics, including CP, substance use disorder, gun violence, suicide, and loneliness, disproportionately impacting marginalized communities Patients with CP who use opioids (Multiple)
Lee, 2021 (90) Original research United States; High Retrospective, cross-sectional study to assess trends in opioid prescription and nonpharmacologic therapy (e.g., physical therapy, complementary medicine) for pain management during early months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with patterns in 2019 Claims data from patients with varying CP diagnoses (N = 21,430,339) (Multiple; SES, race/ethnicity, elderly, disability)
Licciardone, 2021a (91) Original research United States; High Pre-post study; Assesses changes in patients’ use of nonpharmacological and pharmacological treatments for chronic low back pain and related outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic Patients with chronic low back pain (N = 476)(Multiple; Race/ethnicity, elderly)
Licciardone, 2021b (92) Original research United States; High Pre-post study; Examines how reduced access to care impacted use of recommended nonpharmacological treatments, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and opioids and clinical outcomes among patients with chronic low back pain Patients with chronic low back pain (N = 528)(Multiple; Race/ethnicity, elderly, disability)
Manchikanti, 2021 (3) Review Global (US, Australia, El Salvador, Canada, Uruguay, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, Finland, UK) with focus on US; Mostly high Exploration of opioid and COVID-19 epidemics and improvements needed in access to the management of CP with physical therapy, interventional techniques, appropriate diagnostic modalities, and opioid therapy Patients with CP who use opioids(Multiple)
Morgan, 2021 (93) Review United States; High Multidisciplinary project involving 49 clinic sites designed to implement and evaluate clinic-based interventions to improve pain management, reduce harms from opioid overprescribing, and treatment of OUD during COVID in a predominantly Medicaid population Patients with CP and OUD (SES; Medicaid, Medicare)
Mun, 2021 (94) Original research United States; High Cross-sectional survey assessing impact of COVID-19 on pain severity and management, factors associated with perceived changes in pain severity Patients with CP (N = 1,453)(Race/ethnicity)
Mun, 2022 (95) Original research United States; High Longitudinal 1-year study that examines impact of COVID-19 pandemic on trajectories of pain severity, interference, emotional distress (i.e., anxiety and depressive symptoms), and opioid misuse behaviors Patients with CP (N = 1,453; 878; 813 over 3 surveyed periods)(SES, race/ethnicity)
Oh et al., 2021 (96) Original research South Korea; High Population-based retrospective cohort study; examined in-hospital mortality rates among patients with musculoskeletal disorders who take pain medications (NSAIDs, strong opioids, weak opioids) and who tested positive for COVID-19 Patients with musculoskeletal disorders, COVID-19, and identified as long-term opioid users (N = 7,713) (Multiple: SES, geographic location, elderly, disability)
Prater, 2020 (97) Original research United States; High Pilot prospective observational study that aims to improve systems on spinal pain treatment within primary medical homes Underserved patients with chronic spinal pain (N = 35)(SES: Low income and uninsured, race/ethnicity)
Rao, 2020 (98) Commentary United States; High Highlights evidence and best practices in telehealth in pain management, including comprehensive and effective opioid management Patients with CP with opioid therapy(Multiple; Elderly)
Shanthanna, 2020 (99) Expert opinion Global (United States, Europe); Mixed Recommendations by expert model for doctors and healthcare professionals to guide practice of CP management during period of crisis Patients with CP with opioid therapy(Multiple; Elderly)
Tuan, 2021 (100) Original research United States; High Retrospective cohort study to assess risk of developing severe clinical outcomes among COVID-19 noncancer patients on LTOT, compared with those without LTOT Adult patients (N = 418,216) with COVID-19; treated with LTOT for CP (N = 9,558)(Multiple; SES, race/ethnicity, elderly)

NR, not reported; OUD, opioid use disorder; LTOT, long-term opioid therapy; CP, chronic pain; SES, socioeconomic status.