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. 2023 Apr 17;14:1063164. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1063164

Table 4.

Subgroup analysis of biopsychosocial factors influencing pain intensity/interference by gender.

Pain Intensity Pain Interference
Males Females Males Females
Age (Reference: < 60 years) −0.226 −0.083 −9.627* −0.563
Pain related disease (Reference: rheumatoid arthritis)
Osteoarthritis 0.439 0.302 5.605 0.754
Ankylosing spondylitis −0.032 0.067 4.968 3.591
Else (e.g., osteoporosis, herniated disc) −2.374* −0.542 −12.087 −5.083
Pain duration (Reference: < 1 year)
1–5 years −0.492 0.257 2.626 0.860
5–10 years −1.086 0.045 −10.878 −3.099
10 years over −0.175 0.592 −4.094 −1.324
# of comorbidity (Reference: 0)
1 −0.324 0.025 0.477 −0.717
2 or more −0.055 −0.572 1.025 −6.351
Education (Reference: less than high school)
≤ high school graduate −0.030 −0.012 1.538 −1.299
≥ college graduate 0.017 −0.225 4.110 −1.226
Perceived economic status (Reference: High)
Middle 0.021 0.319 8.583 1.848
Low 0.627 0.636 15.645 6.095
Religion (Reference: no) 0.110 −0.172 4.006 −1.759
Marital status (Reference: non-married) 0.219 <−0.001 0.995 0.604
Residency type (Reference: living alone)
Living as a couple 0.669 0.150 15.388 6.136
Living with children 1.016 0.477 7.875 4.442
Else (living with parents, with friends) 0.236 −0.243 −0.089 4.129
Pain catastrophizing 0.053* 0.077*** 0.754** 0.483***
Depressive symptoms 0.107 0.072* 0.508 1.361***
Constant 1.139 0.833 −13.390 3.055
R2 (Adjusted R2) 0.530 (0.353) 0.480 (0.394) 0.623 (0.481) 0.501 (0.418)
F 2.99** 5.59*** 4.39*** 6.07***

*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.