Figure 7.
The influence of BAP1 status on response to arginine deprivation with ADI-PEG20. Paired MPM cell lines MESO-29T (BAP1-normal/ASS1-low) and MESO-23T (BAP1-altered/ASS1-high), MESO-12T (BAP1-normal/ASS1-low) and MESO-8T (BAP1-altered/ASS1-high; A–C) or MeT5A BAP1+/+ and BAP1w-/KO cells (D–F) were treated for 96 hours with ADI-PEG20; mean of three independent experiments, error bars SD; t test; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001. Dose response for relative confluence assessed by live imaging at 96 hours (A and D), # indicates 100 ng/mL ADI-PEG20, the approximate LC50 for sensitive cells, for which representative images at 96 hours are shown (B and E). ATP-based luciferase assay conducted following imaging at 96 hours (C and F). Summary data, Supplementary Fig. S16F.