Fig. 1.
Total hemoglobin, intracellular hemoglobin and plasma hemoglobin concentration variations before and after HBOC-201 and pRBCs transfusions. Concentration of HBOC-201 is measured in plasma. Intracellular hemoglobin is measured as the difference between total hemoglobin and plasma hemoglobin. During HBOC infusion, toxicity and inactivation of infused HBOC-201 related to NO inhalation were assessed by measuring percentage of total metHb and plasma metHb after centrifugation. After infusion of 2 units of HBOC-201, total metHb was 7% and plasma metHb was 28%. These findings suggest that NO inhalation before and during HBOC-201 infusion preserved the oxygen-carrying capacity of 72% of the infused HBOC. HBOC-201: hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier-201 (hemopure); pRBCs: packed red blood cells.